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Q: What is the potential for injuries as a result of the operations of a tipper at a landfill?
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What injuries may possibly result from these accident?

Amnesia and brain injuries may possibly result from these accidents.

Most injuries are the result of violence.?


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What causes most injuries to the skeletal system?

Most injuries to the skeletal system result from trauma. For instance, fractures and sprains are usually the result of accidents.

What are common injuries in biking accidents?

There are a number of common injuries that can occur as a result of a biking accident. These injuries include fractures, spinal cord injuries, road rash, brain injuries and crushed arms.

What causes the most injuries and deaths from tornadoes?

Most deaths and injuries in a tornado are the result of flying debris.

What injuries may possibly result from the accidents?

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How can overhead arm movements in sports lead to elbow injuries?

Any motion can lead to a variety of injuries. An overhead arm movement can result in certain shoulder injuries.

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What are katniss injuries as a result of the fire?

she gets burned on her calf and hands

Can whiplash injury cause rheumatoid arthritis?

No RA is an autoimmune disease and does not start as the result of trauma. However osteoarthritis could be the result of traumatic injuries to bones and joints such as may occur in whiplash injuries.,

Why facial injuries should be treated ASAP?

facial injuries require special attention because they can damage several of the senses,,,the airway and possibly result in permanent the case of the cheek and chin ,, injuries also may result in loss of function if facial nerves or muscles are injured