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Profane originally meant anything not of the church; thus, profanity is anything not involving the church. However, this has been morphed by less knowledgeable people and now means "vulgar, socially unaccepted, disrespectful, rude"; in this sense, prerequisite can be anything that is generally disliked. Sex, mortality and religion are common ones.

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Q: What is the prerequisite of a word to be considered profane?
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What is a sentence using the word profane?

Profane comments are not allowed in school classrooms. The head of the church considered the remarks profane and offensive.

What is a sentence with the word profane?

He was reprimanded for using profane language in front of his grandmother.

Can the word profane be used as a verb and a noun?

The answer is no. Profanity would be the noun form of profane.

What is the opposite of the word sacred?

The opposite of the word sacred is profane, secular, or mundane.

What is the opposite of profane?

The opposite of profane is sacred or holy. Profane refers to something that is disrespectful or blasphemous, while sacred refers to something that is revered or considered spiritually significant.

Does everyone use profanity?

No. In addition what is considered profane by one culture, society or tribe may not be considered so by another. Language is dynamic and words that, in the past, were profane may no longer be considered so.

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The profane language hurt her ears. The golfer was so upset that he used profane language in front of the priest.

How do you use the word profane as a verb in a sentence?

One way to use "profane" as a verb in a sentence is: "The comedian profaned the sacred space by making inappropriate jokes during the memorial service."

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What is the meaning of the word desecrate?

To violate the sacredness of; profane.

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If you plan on building a wall, a supply of bricks is a prerequisite.

What does the word prerequisite mean?

Prerequisite means something that has to be done before something else can occur. Algebra is a prerequisite class to take geometry.