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Q: What is the pressure and salinity of the continental slope?
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Location of continental slope?

continental slope

What are Facts about the 3 zones?

Starts at the continental shelf, and continues down the continental slope to the abyssal plain,the pressure increases as you go downthe organisms decrease as the pressure increases

Which letter represents the area that would be under greatest pressure?

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What are facts about the benthic zone?

Starts at the continental shelf, and continues down the continental slope to the abyssal plain,the pressure increases as you go downthe organisms decrease as the pressure increases

List the subdivisions of the continenal margin?

The three parts of the continental margins are the Continental shelf, the Continental slope, and the Continental rise.

Can you show me a picture of the continental slope?

Here is a pic of the continental slope.

What are the five sections ocean life?

Continental slope, Continental Rise, Continental Slope, Seamont, Trench

What is the difference between the continental slope and the continental rise?

The continental shelf starts from the shore to a few miles out with less gradient of slope. The continental slope starts after shelf-break with a higher slope gradient, then follows the continental rise and abyssal-plain.

This area is between the continental slope and ocean basin?

Between the continental slope and the ocean basin is the continental rise

Which of the following is NOT a continental margin continental shelf continental slope?

continental trench

The continental shelf, continental slope, and continental rise to form the?

continental margin

What is the difference between continental shelf and slope?

The continental shelf is a flattish area which extends from the shore out into the ocean and is made of continental crust. This ends in a slope (the continental slope) which descends to the abyssal plane, which is made of oceanic crust.