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Use the equation PV=nRT where P is pressure, V is volume, n is moles, R is the molal constant .0821 and T is temperature. So unsignificantly, the answer would be 4.926.

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Q: What is the pressure of 10 moles of gas inside of a 50L hot air balloon at a temperature of 300k?
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How many moles of helium will a 75.0-L balloon hold if a 27.5-L balloon holds 1.76 moles at the same temperature and pressure?

27.5/75.0*1.76 = 0.6453 moles

Does a balloon show that air can be compressed?

Yes, a balloon shows that air can be compressed. The pressure in the balloon is higher than the pressure outside the balloon. The ideal gas law is PV = nRT where: P = pressure V = volume n = the number of moles of gas (the amount of gas) R = the ideal gas constant T = temperature So for the given volume of the balloon, and at a set temperature, if the pressure goes up, the amount of gas (the number of moles) must also go up. That means that the gas has been compressed.

When balloon put into a hot water what will happens to the molecules inside?

The ideal gas law is pv=nrt. p=pressure v=volume n=moles r=a gas constant t=temperature When a balloon full of air (a gas) is heated the temperature rises. We know that r and n are constant so all we have to look at the relationship between temperature and pressure/volume. t~p and t~v Therefore as temperature goes up pressure and volume will both go up. How much however one will change over the other is a function of the tensile strength of the balloon and beyond the scope of this answer.

What woul happen to the volume of the 100L weather balloon if its temperature increases from 25 C TO 125 C while the external pressure remain constant?

The universal gas equation is PV = nRT (Pressure x Volume = Number of moles x Universal Gas Constant x Temperature in Kelvin/Rankin). So - if Pressure is constant, the number of moles is constant, but the temperature increases from 25C (298 K) to 125C (398K) - a 34% increase, a similar 34% increase in volume will occur.

When is pressure useful?

when determining volume, moles, weight, and/or temperature

The volume of a gas is directly proportional to the number of moles of that gas if?

the pressure and temperature are held constant. ideal gas law: Pressure * Volume = moles of gas * temperature * gas constant

How many moles are contained in 8.08 L of O2 at standard temperature and pressure?

0.361 moles O2

How many moles is 15.2L of CH4?

It depends on temperature,pressure and volume.THese are needed to find number of moles

How many moles of aluminum are required to produce 4 moles of hydrogen?

This is not a common reaction at standard temperature and pressure.

When mixed with water how much calcium hydride would be needed to fill a twelve inch balloon with hydrogen gas?

The reaction is:CaH2 + 2 H2O → Ca(OH)2 + 2 H2See the Related Questions links to the left for how to solve the question.(you'll need the temperature and pressure of the air also).1) First find the volume of the balloon (assuming a spherical balloon, V = 4/3(pi)r32) Convert that to Liters3) Use the Ideal Gas Law (see links) to find how moles of H2 will fill your balloon at the given temperature and pressure.4) Use stoichiometry (see links) to find out how much CaH2 and H2O you will need in moles.5) Convert moles to grams (see links).

How many moles of gas occupy 1.3 L at a pressure of 3.89 atmospheres and a temperature of 323 K?

The answer is 0,19 moles.

What is the standard temperature and pressure for 6.00 moles of Br2?

For chemistry, after IUPAC rules the standard temperature is 0 oC and the standard pressure is1 bar.