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"Blood pressure" is the pressure exerted by the blood against the walls of the arteries, maintained by the contraction of the left ventricle, the resistance of the arterioles and capillaries, the elasticity of the arterial walls, and by the viscosity and volume of the blood.

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9y ago

A pulse or heartbeat is a wave of pressure in the arteries caused by the left ventricle contracting. There are many places on your body to check pulses, including the wrist, neck, and top of the feet.

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9y ago

The pulse is the pressure wave in the artery produced when the left ventricle contracts. The pulse is felt most easily at the largest or most superficial arteries.

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Q: What is the pressure wave in arteries produced when the left ventricle contracts called?
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What is the pressure that the chamber of the heart must generate in order to eject blood out of the chamber?

It depends on which side of the heart you are considering. Normal pressure that is produced by the left ventricle, in a resting person, is 120 mmHg.

What is the adaptations of an artery?

arteries have thicker walls than veins, as the blood pressure in the artery is more due to the strong heart beat, produced by the aorta.arteries also have elastic layers in them , to withstand the high blood pressure.

Why do the most deep earthquakes occur at convergent boundries?

because so much pressure is produced

What effect do you think narrowing of the arteries would have on the functioning of the heart?

The rate of the blood being pumped would be slowed down, thus resulting in less air (oxygen) being able to be produced

Do muscular arteries maintain blood flow during ventricular diastole?

The structure of the various blood vessels is closely related to their function. The vessels which receive blood from the heart, the elastic arteries, have thick, strong walls to cope with the sudden high pressure produced during diastole; they contain abundant elastic material to allow stretch so that the vessel lumen may accommodate the change of volume. They also have a thick, outer coat of collagenous connective tissue whose tensile strength prevents over-distension of the elastic tissue. The elastic recoil of these elastic arteries is responsible for maintaining a continuous, though decreased, flow of blood to smaller vessels during systole.

Related questions

What does systolic stands for?

Systolic comes from the Greek word, "systole", which means to draw together or contract. Systolic pressure is the maximum pressure produced in the arteries when the left ventricle of the heart contracts.

What is the pressure that the chamber of the heart must generate in order to eject blood out of the chamber?

It depends on which side of the heart you are considering. Normal pressure that is produced by the left ventricle, in a resting person, is 120 mmHg.

What type of blood pressure is produced when the heart is in a relaxed state?

The measurement of blood pressure results in two numbers: the systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure. This is expressed as a fraction: systolic over diastolic. The diastolic blood pressure is produced when the heart is in a relaxed state. It is the measure of the pressure exerted on the arteries during diastole, or relaxation.

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How are winds produced in nature?

Winds are produced in nature through the movement of air masses with different temperatures and pressures. As the air heats up or cools down, it expands or contracts, creating differences in pressure that lead to the movement of air. Additionally, the rotation of the Earth contributes to the creation of wind patterns.

When the heart contracts where does if produce fluid?

The heart doesnt produce any fluid, blood is produced in bone marrow. The heart only pumps the blood through the veins and arteries, all in a continuous loop. Honestly you have to be pretty stupid to not understand this, unless your four years old

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Winds are produced when there is a different in what?

Winds are produced when there is a difference in atmospheric pressure. Air moves from areas of high pressure in the atmosphere to areas of low pressure. This movement of air is experienced as wind.

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Metamorphic rocks are produced by intense heat and pressure on pre-existing rocks.

What is the adaptations of an artery?

arteries have thicker walls than veins, as the blood pressure in the artery is more due to the strong heart beat, produced by the aorta.arteries also have elastic layers in them , to withstand the high blood pressure.