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power house. They are the main sites of ATP production.

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The mitochondria are membrane bound organelles located in the cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells. Its main function is the production of energy for the various parts of the body.

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Q: What is the primary function of the Mitochondria?
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What is the primary function of a Mitochondria cell part?

Primary function of mitochondria is to produce energy.It act as the power house of cell.

What is the primary function of the mitochondria cell part?

Primary function of mitochondria is to produce energy.It act as the power house of cell.

What is the primery function of mitochondria?

That is to produce energy. It carries out photosynthesis

What is the primary function of mitochrodria?

Mitochondria's main function is to convert energy into forms that are usable by the cell.

How does the mitochondria do what it does in a cell?

The primary function of mitochondria is to generate large quantities of energy in the form of adenosine triphosphate (ATP).

What is the primary function of the mitochondra?

mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell it also breaks down food to release energy

What is the life function of mitochondria?

Mitochondrions are the "batteries" of eukaryotic cells (cells with complex structures contained within a membrane). They provide power to the cell by generating ATP which is used for its chemical energy.

What important process takes place in the cell's mitochondria?

Mitochondria are responsible for carrying out cellular respiration.

What is the primary function unique to mitochondria?

mitochondrion is the power house of the cell and also the site for cellular respiration

What is the primary function of a mitocondria?

In general, mitochondria are responsible for the energy production in cells and specify the formation of some key components of the energy-producing system. Mitochondria provides about 90% of the energy that cells, and thus tissues, organs and the body as a whole needs to function. The primary function of mitochondria is to convert food into energy. They convert the food we eat into basic chemicals that the cell can use. Hence, they are known as the cells powerhouse

What does mitochondrion do?

Mitochondrion is singular, mitochondria is the plural form. So the question should be written "What does a mitochondrion do" or "What do mitochondria do". The primary function of mitochondria is the production of ATP via the Krebs Cycle; basically, the mitochondria are where we turn sugar into energy. They have several other functions as well.

What is the function in mitochondria cells?

Mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell