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storing fat

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Q: What is the primary function of white adipose cells?
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5 Name two tissue structures in the body that are very active when you are a child but convert to fatty inactive tissue when you reach adulthood?

These are called adipose tissues and there are two types, the brown adipose and white adipose. Both are abundant in newborns and also in animals that hibernate. Their primary function is to generate heat in the body.

Which type of connective tissue cell has a large vacuole?

The white adipose cells or adipocytes have a large fat vacuole. White adipocytes are found everywhere in the adipose connective tissues.

Whats the function of white blood cells?

The function of the white blood cells is to aid in healing. These white blood cells are a huge part of the immune system.

Is 'phagocytosis' the name for the process used by white blood cells to fight infection?

Yes. The primary function of white blood cells in fighting infection is phagocytosis, or the engulfment, (eating) of cells, cell fragments, and pathogens (bacteria, viruses, etc.).

What endocrine gland secretes leptin?

Leptin is an Adipose Derived hormone meaning it is excreted by adipose or fat cells. Particularly "White fat" or adult fat as apposed to baby or "Brown fat".

Is NOT function of white blood cells?

White blood cells do not carry oxygen in the blood.

A primary function of lymphocytes is to?

Lymphocytes are also known as the white blood cells. They are primarily used to fight infection.

Why us there a large white area in an adipose cell?

Because it adipose cells stores fat meaning lipids. When the cell stores more fat, the nucleus is pushed away to the side of the cell near the cell membrane which gives the the cells a whitish look.

What is the wbc function?

The function of WBC (white blood cells) is to FIGHT INFECTIONS

What is the function of the WBC's?

The function of WBC (white blood cells) is to FIGHT INFECTIONS

What is a type of white blood cells that surrounds and kills invading cells?

White blood cells are the primary defenders of the body, also knows as macrophages

What are the 5 primary white blood cells?

* Neutrophil * Eosinophil * Basophil * Lymphocyte * Monocyte * Macrophages * Phagocytes