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Q: What is the primary pigment that causes skin color?
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What causes skin color?

the pigment in your skin

What pigment determine skin color?

The pigment which determines skin color is melanin.

What is the function of pigment?

The function of pigment is just like saying what does the heart do? its an easy question... it is just the primary colour of your skin... its the chemicals in your body that make your skin have a color! and that's the scientific answer!

What is the primary pigment in the skin?


What pigment gives skin color?

Everyone has melanin, some more than others, melanin is a dark-colored pigment that happen's to give the skin a darkish color. Being outside in the sunshine causes an increase in melanin, darking the skin temporarily.(:

What does vitiligo do to your skin?

Vitiligo is an auto immune diseases. It causes loss of pigment melanin from skin which actually skin color as result skin divided in to two color 1 real and 2 white

What brown pigment determints skin colors?

What brown pigment determines skin color

What gives pigment color?

Everyone has melanin, some more than others, melanin is a dark-colored pigment that happen's to give the skin a darkish color. Being outside in the sunshine causes an increase in melanin, darking the skin temporarily.(:

What causes differences in the pigment of skin?


Variation in human skin color is an example of what?

Skin color is a polygenic trait. A polygenic trait is one that is controlled by multiple genes. Each gene for skin color deposits no pigment, some pigment, or lots of pigment. The additive effect of the deposited pigment from each gene for skin color results in a whole spectrum (continuum) of color. Also, skin color is affected by the environment, which further increases the variation in human skin color.

Why is my skin colored?

Heritity dictates your skin color melanin is what makes the pigment(color)

What is the type of mutation that results with a lack of pigment?

The answer is definitely not swine flu. A lack of Melanin, which is is the pigment that gives color to hair and skin, causes Amelanosis, commonly known as albinism.