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is your period normally 4 to 5 days

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Q: What is the probability of implantation bleeding being heavy and coming on the same day of the expected period day and lasting for 4 to 5 days or is it just a regular period?
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Implantation lasting 5 days?

Typically implantation bleeding is an exception....meaning it isn't all too common. You should not have implantation bleeding for 5 days and if it is implantation bleeding it is very light and brown in color...more like spotting. If you are pregnant and bleeding or have unexplained bleeding you should see a doctor.

Can implantation bleeding be confused with your period?

Hi, Yes implantation bleeding is regularly confused with a light period. However implantation bleeding will not be heavy normal like period bleeding, it will simply be a light period lasting 48-72 hours or spotting of blood in your underwear. This bleeding always occurs 6-12 days after you had unprotected sex. If you suspect this is implantation bleeding then see your doctor for a quantitative beta hcg pregnancy blood test. You will need to write down the name of this test and you must ask your doctor specifically for this test. Please note this is advice only and should not be used in place of a medical experts.

How can you differentiate between ovulation bleeding and implantation bleeding?

Yes. This happened to me. I thought I was having a lighter, longer period which lasted a whole week. I didn't find out until my period was due the following month that I was pregnant. I thought I was four weeks pregnant. Several weeks later during an ultrasound I was informed that I was four weeks further along than I had thought. I had mistaken the implantation bleeding for my period! No where in any of my research did I see anything about implantation bleeding lasting that long. Most of the information I found said it lasts hours or possibly a day and only 1/4 of women experience implantation bleeding.

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You have been pregnant for 4 weeks had blackish minimal bleeding from 2 days ago lasted for 1 hour now having closed cervix and dry and there is no bleeding at all what is the blackish bleeding?

This sounds a lot like implantation bleeding. While an EPT has detected hcg levels in your urine, indicating pregnancy, it usually takes between 6-14 days for the embryo to implant in your uterus. For many women, they mistake it for their period/ miscarriage (if you already know you are pregnant). I have had 2 miscarriages and the bleeding was heavy, bright red and accompanied by clots and cramps. I am pregnant again (8 weeks) and this time I had implantation bleeding right around my period time (approx 4 weeks). It was dark and minimal, lasting only about 30 mins. I just had my first fetal ultrasound and I have a healthy baby with a heartbeat! So don't worry too much. The only thing you can do at this point is wait it out, perhaps take another EPT in a few days or get your hcg levels taken by your doctor, and hope for the best.

Is there something wrong if you have a period lasting 12 days but have a 'break' from bleeding for a day?

You defiantly want to see a doctor about this because periods aren't the only reason for vaginal bleeding, it could be due to something worse.

Can implantation bleeding be almost as heavy as a normal period?

In most cases implantation bleeding is not a large amount of blood, while the amount does vary from woman to woman. My first child 15 years i did say 15 years...the "spotting" i had was sorta heavy like a period only shorter..and yes i did have some cramping......i thought i was miscarring but carried her full term. This time my husband is SURE we're pregnant..same bleeding....but NOW the blood test has come up negative at the to be honest it depends on everything from the weather to ur body. It is only a spot or two as it is caused by the fertilised egg burrowing into the wallof the uterus and the fertilised ovum is smaller than the head of a pin. About 30% of women experience it. It will not be heavy like your period. It will be light to medium bleeding which lasts a few hours to less than 3 days or it can be blood on tissue paper, red, brown or pink vaginal discharge or spotting of blood. According to Contraceptive Technology, implantation will occur approx. 5-6 days after ovulation. Hi Implantation bleeding is a tiny bit of blood which can happen from 1 up2 3days. 1 in 3 women get it so its rare. mine was pink stringy blood in my discharge which just happened at 4 pm one day. Its nothing like a period some girls who have a period while pregnant call the period Implantation bleeding for some reason which confuses them they should call it a period cause it kinda is its nothing like Implantation bleeding through pregnancy if your having a period while pregnant so I'm not surprised if your confused. Most people think its a period which is totally wrong. Hope I help and also it can be stringy or thick loads of girls are different Implantation bleeding can be heavy like your period - that's the way it was with me. My husband and I had been trying to get pregnant for a year, and after another month of trying I thought my period had arrived. The only difference was that it was a couple days shorter than usual. It wasn't until the next month when I noticed constant nausea and breasts so sore that I couldn't bare to shower with my chest facing the showerhead. I took a pregnancy test BEFORE I expected what was soon to be my next period, and found out I was pregnant. I still thought my implantation bleeding was a period, and it wasn't until my first ultrasound that I discovered I was a whole month further along than I had thought I've had implantation bleeding with both previous pregnancy's. With my daughter - it was literally as pink princess mentioned above - a one time pale pink discharge, only seen once. The second time with my son it could have been mistaken for the beginning of a period. It started on pink and moved to a browny discharge and then a few days of bright pink bleeding - but there wasn't any clots as you would expect with a period after a few days or really strong enough to need a towel/tampon etc. I'm experience what I think is implantation bleeding with hopefully my third and it is repeating my second experience so far. It's worth mentioning with my son (2nd) child I experienced it for slightly longer than 3 days - perhaps 4 or 5. Ordinarily I have very heavy periods which last slightly over a week 8-9 days. Had I not have been through this before - I would have suspected a normal period. With a second I do believe if you've experienced this before you can tell the difference. I hope this is of some help to somebody. I'm not really sure if im pregnant, but i had unprotected sex with my partner twice that night..and a week after i started feeling like shooting mild pains in my abdomen..then in the mornings i get not so bad or long sicknesses..then on the day my period usually comes wich was on feb 2,i only spotted light blood..but only once when i wiped.. then 10 after wich was yesterday..i woke up and went to the restroom and i started bleeding..bright red..not as heavy as my regular period..but sort of heavy..and im not really sure if i was just imaginating stuff cuz i was excited to get pregnant..wich i dont think so..or i am but i got a heavy implantation bleeding..i dont know....rightnow im just waiting to see how long it lasts..mine originally lasts 6 to 7 i hope i am...=( I'm kinda of in the same boat and im not sure what to do myself, i already have one child, and just now as we speak i had my period 2 or three weeks ago and than i got on the 7th a light pink discharge, than the next day brown, than on the 9th it started off as a slight flow and is still continueing, it seems like a period, cramps and all but this never happens to me, i get cramps a week before my period i dont bleed between periods, could this be implantation? I'm a bit confused at the minute. Me and my partner have been trying for a baby for the past 5 months. I came on birth pills 5 months ago and we have regular sex. My Periods went back to pretty much regular straight away! It is a week before my period is due, and i started bleeding yesterday, it is not enough to need a pad, but it looks like it's heavy when i wipe (sorry if too much info!). I'm confused, everyone says implantation bleeding does not look heavy and is only a few spots, i have had this for two days! Every time i wipe it looks like alot of blood, but there's nothing on the pads! My husband and I have been of and on trying to get pregnant this year..every month i know when my period is supposed to begin, and then i hope for the best, a YES...but the last few times i have gotten my period as usual....this time I am still waiting my period should be her on Dec 13 2010. but today 12/8 i noticed some light pink blood....and i became excited because i have never seen it before, but i have read about it...i still have alot of feeling like cramps, so i hope its not my period...but it scares me because now it is more red, and its not a few spots..... Well me and my bf had unprotected sex a few weeks ago i was expected to get pregnant and well now i feel tired all the time and i feel the need to sleep and my breast are sore but not that sore but a couple of days after that i was expecting my period and well it did not come until one night i was asleep an i got up and went to the bath room there was a light pink discharge at first den it got a little brownish after a day of that it got bright red/pinkish and heavy like my period n its said that implantation bleeding it light but i would like to know if i could still be pregnant I think" its my period came yesterday (8th of April) but my period came early than usual and at first it was spotting pinkish and then it started goin a lil heavier like my period but normally when my period come i have 2 use 2 pads because it runs very heavy but i can use one cuz not much get on it and everytime i wipe a good bit of blood is there like my period but on the pad there is not much there compared to what usual get and the cramps are twice as much and a lil back ache.....can someone tell me what this is because i read on the internet that implantation bleeding is only pinkish or browny spotting.

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