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No, you should be able to keep the same body temperature. However, You'll also be effected by the outside weather itself.

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Q: What is the problem if the body temperature?
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When your body temperature is lower than normal, it indicates a problem with your metabolism. Body systems can't function normally when metabolism is low.

How do you regulate body temperature in a premature infant?

Body temperature regulation is a problem in premature infants because they lack sufficient body fat for insulation. Also, the hypothalamus is not yet fully functional.

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Yes according to me if you can play, you can. If you play your temperature will not be high. But the only problem is that we cant as our body will be weak.

Is a body temperature of 37.12 C too high?

37 degrees Centigrade is the same as 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit, which is normal body temperature. 38 degrees is equal to 100.4, so it shouldn't be a problem

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hey, I am suffering from same problem. My body temperature uis to low that air conditioner drives me crazy. Well, I googled that and look i found this website: check out this site though it might help...

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Another name for normal body temperature is core body temperature.

How does the outside temperature affect the body temperature?

The outside temperature affects the body temperature because it the body temperature will try to regulate itself. For example, if the temperature outside is cold, the body will generate heat as much as possible to maintain a core temperature.

What my body temperature?

Your average body temperature is 98.6 degrees

How your body maintains your temperature?

Your body temperature is regulated by the hypothalamus.

A body temperature of 98.6 defrees F is the what for body temperature?

98.6 degrees Fahrenheit is considered normal body temperature.