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Q: What is the procedure that experimenters need to use to make sure that participants in both the treatment and control groups are not aware of the purpose of the experiment is known as?
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What type of experiment is it when only the subject does not know it they are receiving the real treatment of the placebo?

If the experimenters know but the subject does not, it's called a "single blind" study. If the placebo is randomized and neither the subject nor the experimenters know which is the placebo, it's called a "double blind" study.

Who receives treatment in an experimental study?

Participants in an experimental study receive the treatment. Typically, participants are randomly assigned to either the treatment group, which receives the experimental treatment, or the control group, which does not receive the treatment or receives a standard treatment for comparison.

In this type of experiment the participants in a random sample is divided into two different groups where one group is exposed to the treatment and the other group is treated exactly the same except?

Controlled cause-to-effect experiments

What is the medical term meaning procedure performed for definitive treatment of the principal diagnosis?

The procedure performed for definitive treatment of the principal diagnosis is called the _____________ procedure

What statement of no difference in experimental treatment?

When setting up an experimental procedure one prepares a control treatment as well as one or more experimental treatments. At the end of the experiment, if there is no difference between the experimental and control groups the experiment is typically said to be not conclusive. With a typical set-up, this result generally fails to lead to a rejection of the null hypothesis.

In a controlled experiment what group recevies some type of treatment?

An experimental group is the group in an experiment that receives some type of treatment. The control group in an experiment receives no treatment. And, in conclusion, sometimes it might not work so be careful!!! :)

A clinical experiment is designed in such a way that neither the researchers dispensing a treatment nor the persons in the experimental or control groups know if they're getting a sugar pill or a new?

Double-blind procedure

What is group that receives no treatment in an experiment?

the control.

When a study is designed so that neither the subjects nor the experimenters know which subjects are in the treatment group and which ones are in the control group the study is called a experime?

double blind

What are constants in experiment?

they are the things that don't change in an experiment/ that don't receive any special treatment.

Randomization in an experiment ensures that any difference in the responses of the experiment groups is due to the treatment?


Participant's illness changes solely from the participants belief that the treatment will be effective exhibiting a?

placebo effect