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chemical digestion

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Q: What is the process by which food is broken down into molecules small enough to be absorbed by the body?
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What does food mix with in the somach and what is the semi dried liquid now caled?

The organ system that includes thegastrointestinal tract (GI tract) and its accessory organs. The digestive system processes food into molecules that can be absorbed and utilized by the cells of the body. Food is broken down, bit by bit, until the molecules are small enough to be absorbed and the waste products are eliminated.

What is the term for the chemical or mechanical breakdown of food into molecules small enough to be absorbed by cells?


What is the broken down product of lipids?

Lipids ARE basically fat. which are broken down by enzymes to tun into glucose aka energy fr the body above statement not fully correct thus this shall be suffice: Lipids are fats (which is correct) and they are broken down into free fatty acids by specific enzymes called Lipases. after being broken down into these small enough molecules it can then be absorbed into our blood plasma within the 'ileum' of the small intestine via the 'villi' (the finger like projectiles in which absorbs nutrients such as broken down molecules of fat further via the capillaries and arteries) However in saying so, the broken down fat molecules requires a specific absorbtion system called the 'Lymphatic system'- the fats after being initilally absorbed into the villi, it then specifically is further abosorbed by the 'Lactel' which is located in the middle of a single villi. Furthermore, in short hand, Lipids are fats, and they break down into small enough molecules of 'free fatty acids' through the process of chemical diegstion (in this particular digestion of this nutrient this occurs within the small intestine -the duodenum to be exact) by specific enzymes of lipases.

What is the process by which molecules at the surface of a liquid absorb enough energy to change to a gaseous state?

Evaporation is the process by which molecules at the surface of a liquid absorb enough energy to change to the gaseous state.

What is the prosses when a gas changes to a liquid?

Evaporation occurs when the inter particular bonds are broken. Example: In water the molecules of water (particles) are held together by a type of dipole interaction called hydrogen bonding between molecules. When enough energy is added to the water these bonds are broken and the water evaporates. Evaporation can occur at any temperature but all the molecules have enough energy at the boiling point.

Is molecules invisible?

Molecules are often visible if you have enough of them. Enough carbon molecules and you have coal.

What disease or complications affect the organs in the digestive system?

The gullet (when you swallow and the windpipe is shut off the food goes down into the gullet and muscles in the wall of the gullet contract-get smaller-to push the food down and the food gets pushed down to the stomach. if something is wrong with the gullet, food will get stuck and that will do lots of damage. ) The stomach (in the stomach the food is churned up with a strong acid of pH1-2. if you do not have a balanced diet the acid might not be strong enough and the food won't dissolve quick enough. ) The small and large intestine (particles that make up food are call molecules and these molecules are absorbed through the wall of the small intestine and turned from insoluble molecules to soluble molecules. in this process, the molecules get broken down to less than 1/4 of what they were before. sugars (e.g. glucose), vitamins and minerals are small and soluble in water and so can pass through the wall of the small intestine. larger insoluble molecules, like starch, fats and proteins, need to be broken up into small, soluble molecules by chemicals called enzymes.

Why do food need to be digested?

The food that we eat needs to be digested, or broken down, so the particles are small enough to be able to be absorbed into our cells. The process of digestion has four parts. Ingestion, digestion (mechanical and chemical), absorption, and elimination.

Why sugars can be absorbed by diffusion?

Any chemical (not just sugars) can be absorbed by diffusion if its outside concentration is higher than its inside concentration and the membrane between the outside is permeable to that chemical (either because it has pores large enough for molecules of the chemical to pass or it has a property called "semipermeability" which allows the molecules to effectively temporary "dissolve" in the membrane to pass through it).

Why do nutrients need to be broken down before they can be absorbed by the human body?

So that it can be small enough to pass through a cell's membrane.

Why is the molar of vaporization for water higher than most other substances?

Because water has highly polar bonds between the water molecules. These create very strong bonds that keep the water molecules from evaporating until enough heat has been absorbed to break those bond and separate the molecules.

Why do foods have to be digested?

Food must be chemically digested because the substances which our body needs cannot be absorbed into the blood until they have been broken down into small, soluble chemicals with the help of enzymes in our mouth. When the food is digested, its molecules are small enough to pass through the wall of the small intestine by diffusion.