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Seafloor Spreading

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Q: What is the process by which new crust is created when the seafloor moves apart and magma rises up?
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What seafloor is the process by which new crust is created when seafloor moves apart and magma rises?

Seafloor Spreading

Seafloor is the process by which new crust is created when the seafloor moves apart and magma rises up?

seafloor spreading

What seafloor is the process by which new crust is created when the seafloor moves apart and magma rises up?

plate tectonics

What is the process by witch new crust is created when seafloor moves apart and magma rises up?

through plate tentonics but before the plates shifted the continets were together as a super continet, called pangea i learned that in science class.

What is the difference of seafloor spreading and continental drift?

In continental drift it says that they were drifted apart by the spin of the earth and in seafloor spreading the earths crust is drifted apart by the ridges in the mid-ocean.

Does seafloor spreading hold the plates in place?

No, seafloor spreading does not hold the plates in place. Seafloor spreading is a process that occurs at mid-ocean ridges where new oceanic crust is formed and spreads apart. It is driven by the movement of tectonic plates, which are actually responsible for holding the seafloor in place.

Does seafloor spreading cause the earth's crust to expand?

New oceanic crust is being created at seafloor spreading zones, and crust is alternately being subducted and destroyed at subduction zones.

What is it called when two oceanic plates move apart and new crust is formed?

Seafloor Spreading

What is it called when two ocean plates move apart and new crust is formed?

Seafloor spreading

Which geologic process forms new crust on the ocean floor?

seafloor speading

How does seafloor spreading results in new oceanic crust?

As the seafloor spreads apart, magma from the mantle inside the earth bubbles up to the ocean and hardens in the cool temperatures, producing new oceanic crust

What must happen for the seafloor to spread apart?

Some other part of the crust must be "disappearing" (subduction).