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Q: What is the process by which rocks are fragmented and become sediment?
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When sediment turns into sedimentary rock does sedimentary rock turn back to sediment?

Sedimentary rocks can turn back into sediment by a process of weathering and erosion.

What are two possible fates for a igneous rock?

Two of the most common fates of igneous rocks are to become sediment (and later sedimentary rocks) or to become metamorphic rocks.

What type of rocks are created as layer of sediment?

Sedimentary Rocks. Sedimentary rocks are created from stratification by the layering of materials on one another which then get compacted and cemented by sedimentation process over long period of time. The whole process of formation of sedimentary rocks from sediment is called Diagnesis. Examples of sedimentary rocks are limestone, chalk, and sandstone.

What forms when rocks are weathered and eroded?

Sediment is formed when rocks are eroded or weathered in water. When the process occurs on land, the smaller pieces of rock mix with organic matter (plant, animal or spoor), and eventually become soil.

Rocks formed by layering of fragmented crust material are what kind of rocks?

Sedimentary rocks.

By what process do rocks become sediment?

Loose sediments can become a sedimentary rock through the process of lithification. These sediments are compacted due to intense pressure and then undergo cementation to form sedimentary rocks.

How rocks become sediment?

Well, first before the sediment can become to a metamorphic rock, it has to create into a sedimentary rock or an igneous rock, Then the rocks go under the ground and is under tons and tons of pressure, which fosters heat build up, and this causes them to change.

What rock are sedimentary rocks?

Many sedimentary rocks are made from the broken bits of other rocks. These are called clast sedimentary rocks. The broken bits of rocks are called sediment. Sediment is the sand you find at the beach, the mud in a lake bottom, the pebbles in a river, and even the dust on furniture. The sediment may, in time, form a rock if the little pieces become cemented together

What process can lead to igneous rock becoming sedimentary rock?

When igneous rocks are crushed and compacted into sediment

What is The formation of large rocks from particles of sediment that occurs as pressure is applied?

What is the process in which rocks ate broken down into smaller pieces by ice, water

How can metamorphic rocks be changed into sedimentary rocks?

It can be changed by being broken down in the weathering process just like all rocks. The resulting sediment can then be lithified to for a sedimentary rock.

What cn be found in sediment rocks?

Fossils and sediment