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Sedimentary rocks can turn back into sediment by a process of weathering and erosion.

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it turns back by the process of erosion

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Q: When sediment turns into sedimentary rock does sedimentary rock turn back to sediment?
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How can a metamorphic rock turn into sedimentary rock and then back to metamorphic?

metamorphic rock melts turns into lava,lava cools turns into igneous rock,igneous rock is weathered and eroded into sediment,sediment turns into sedimentary rocksedimentary rock gets heated and squeezed forms metamorphic rockcycle continues.......

Can a sedimentary rock turn back into a deposit of sediment?

Yes! The process of weathering can "break down" a sedimentary rock and turn it back into a sediment.

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when sediment falls into the sea it forms into sedimentary rock which then turns into metamorphic rock and back again it comes from the volcanoes it plays a major role in the rock cycle

How does metamorphic turns to sedemantary?

Sedimentary rock is rock that has been worn away and turned into sediment such as sand. That sediment is then compacted together and turned into rock. So metamorphic rock wears away and compacts into sedimentary rock

Could a metamorphic rock turn into a sedimentry rock and then back to metamorphic?

yes eventually but there are steps:metamorphic rock melts turns into lava,lava cools turns into igneous rock,igneous rock is weathered and eroded into sediment,sediment turns into sedimentary rocksedimentary rock gets heated and squeezed forms metamorphic rockcycle continues.......

How does a igneous rock become a sedimentary rock?

The igneous rock gets weathered into sediment by wind, water, and ices. The sediment is deposited in a basin and buried. The pressure of burial and the heat inside Earth turns that sediment into stone.

How does weather work of a new sedimentary rock?

Basically it just turns it back to sediment. I would know since our science class is learning about it now. Hope this helps!! :)

Can sedimentary rocks come from other sedimentary rocks?

Yes. Sedimentary rock can weather and form the material for new sedimentary rock.

What happens to a metamorphic rock when its weathered?

Weathering of existing rock is the first step in the formation of most sedimentary rock, providing the sediment which will eventually be eroded, deposited, compacted and cemented together.

How can sedimentary rock becomes a metamorphic rock?

When the metamorphic rock breaks down into sediment. Thus, making the new rock sedimentary because when sediment forms together over time it makes it sedimentary rock

What do sedimentary rocks begin as?

Sedimentary rock starts as sediment.

Where can strata can be found sedimentary rock or igneous rock?

Sedimentary Rock. Strata is layers of sedimentary rock that form from the deposition of sediment.