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Q: What is the process called for mineral formation from magma?
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What does not affect the formation of Magma?

Star Wars Movies do not affect the formation of magma.

Contrast the formation of minerals from magma and their formations from solution?

The formation of minerals from magma depends on how quickly the magma cools- if it cools slowly the crystals are bigger, slower= smaller crystals. The formation of minerals from solution depends on wether the solution becomes overfilled with a dissolved substance and gets supersaturated, then the individual atoms bond together and mineral crystal is formed from the solution.

Why is magma not a mineral?

Magma is not a mineral becauseIt is liquid.It does not have a definite chemical composition.

What is the process called when magma transition into intrusive igneous rock?

By Magma I'm guessing you mean the molten sedimentary rocks. The process is called metamorphism.

What is the relationship between magma and minerals?

No, magma is molten rock, and it is a semi liquid that exists below the surface (when it's above the surface, it's called lava). When magma cools underground it becomes an intrusive igneous rock which is composed of combinations of various minerals.

Does magma produce new material when it rises from an ocean ridge?

Yes, when magma rises from an ocean ridge, it can produce new material through a process called seafloor spreading. As the magma reaches the surface, it cools and solidifies, forming new oceanic crust. This process contributes to the continuous expansion of the seafloor and the formation of new crustal material.

What types of volcanoes are created when andesitic magma erupts?

Andesitic magma will result in the formation of a stratovolcano, also called a composite volcano.