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sea floor spreading

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Q: What is the process called that creates new ocean floor from diverging plates?
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Related questions

What are plates called that are divergent plate boundaries?

Diverging tectonic plates.

What is divergent plates?

separating plates

Plates and the rocks that compose them are moving apart at these places?

diverging plates

What happens when sea-floor speading occurs?

the process by which new material is added to the ocean floor along the boundary between diverging plates.

What does it mean when tectonic plates slip?

Shifting,sliding,diverging ,converging etc . of tectonic plates.

What feature forms at diverging oceanic plates?

Ridges of buoyant oceanic crust form at diverging oceanic plate boundaries.

When do tectonic plates separate one another?

The plates which are constantly moving move apart at divergent boundaries. These are also called constructive boundaries because of the fact that new magma rises here and heals the diverging plates.

What are the differences between convergence and divergence plates?

Converging plates come together. They converge together. Diverging plates come apart.

How are plates moving at diverging boundaries?

To diverge means to move apart.

What type of plate is with a mid ocean ridge?

Diverging oceanic plates.

What are diverging bounderies?

a divergent boundary is where two of earth plates are moving

Why might diverging plates cause a volcano to form?

Diverging plates are associated with stretching and thinning of the crust. Lines of weakness or rifts in the thinner crust serve as conduits for magma and volcanoes often form.