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Q: What is the process called when a bacterial cell makes copies of its DNA then divides making two identical cells?
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When one bacterium split in the middle to form two bacteria what is it?

This process is called binary fission. Binary fission is a form of asexual reproduction in which a single bacterium divides into two identical daughter cells. It is the most common method of bacterial reproduction.

The process in which the nucleus divides to form two identical nuclei-?

If you mean when "does" the nucleus divide to form two identical nuclei, the answer is during mitosis. Mitosis is the process of cell reproduction. During this process the DNA is duplicated before the nucleus spilts into two identical nuclei each with their own identical copy of the parent cell, creating two new identical daughter cells.

In a eukaryote cell the process in which the cell divides into two independent identical cells is called?

The process is known as mitosis. During mitosis, the nucleus of the eukaryotic cell divides the chromosomes evenly. After the mitosis, the cell undergoes cytokinesis, which divides the cell in two to create two independent identical (daughter) cells.

Identical cells formed during cell division?

when the original cells divides in half and splits, forming two new and identical cells, in a process called mitosis

What is the process by which a nucleus divides into two new identical nuclei?

It's called Mitosis. The term cytokinesis refers to the division of cellular cytoplasm.

What is the process of bacterial reproduction called?

The most common bacterial reproduction is by Binary Fission, which is the use of mitosis to create two identical cells from one. Rarely, bacteria can reproduce sexually (ie using meiosis to create genetically different daughter cells) but this is not the most widely used mechanism.

How does an aneba reproduce?

An amoeba reproduces by simply dividing -- splitting into two identical pieces (called binary fission). In this process, the nucleus divides by a means known as mitosis.

What is the cells nucleus divides to forms two identical nuclei during the stage of the cell cycle?

The process of cell division which divides the nucleus into two nuclei is called mitosis. Mitosis only happens in eukaryotic cells.

What is the process of reproduction called?

binary fission it is the process by which the bacteria divides

When bacteria is divided into cells is called?

For reproduction, Bacteria undergo the process of binary fission. In this, the cell divides into two identical cells which makes them to function as two different cells from thereon.

The process during which the cytoplasm divides is called?


Two bacterial cells temporarily join and transfer genetic material?

Yes, this process process is called bacterial conjugation.