

What is the process of coal turning into energy called?

Updated: 1/23/2024
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Lvl 1
13y ago

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Alp u know the answer. anyway its called turbine.

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Lvl 15
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Combustion. !!!

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Q: What is the process of coal turning into energy called?
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Heat from chemical energy?

Fuels such as oil, wood, coal, and natural gas have energy stored in them. This kind of energy is called chemical process of burning, the energy is released in the form of heat.

How does coal gets its energy?

Coal is a fossilized wood which obtain the major portion of original energy from the sun by the process of photosynthesis.

How does coal burning create energy?

the heat from the burning coal heats water which rises through a tube making a current and turning turbines

What is the process of making coal called?

the answer is deforestation.

Is burning of coal in which energy is liberated an exothermic reaction?

Yes burning of coal is an exothermic reaction because energy is released in this process in the form of heat and light.

How is coal converted to the energy people use?

The most useful energy that coal provides is as a fuel for combustion; we have to burn it. Burning coal creats heat we can use to boil water, turning it to steam, and then we use the steam to drive turbines to make electricity.

What is a coal-fired energy plant?

A coal-fired energy plant is one that burns coal (as the source of energy) to make electricity or drive machinery.

How does nuclear energy water and coal make electricity?

Electric power is created by turning a generator at speeds fast enough to produce energy. Nuclear and Coal powered plants use heat to create steam to force the turning of a generator. Water power uses a difference in height from input to output to produce the desired turning of the generators.

What is the process of converting dead vegetation to coal called?

carbonisation Solution: Plants contain mainly carbon, which gets converted into coal. Hence, the slow process of conversion of dead vegetation into coal is called carbonisation. 3.

Electricity from coal is called?

Coal is the largest source of energy for the generation of electricity contains mainly carbon, the conversion of dead vegetation into coal is called carbonization.

What is the process of generating electricity from coal?

burn it and it give off heat which is transferred into energy

What is coal energy?

Coal energy is energy derived from the burning of coal. Coal is essentially fossilized carbon.