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Q: What is the process of shedding an external covering?
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What is Shedding external covering?

To shed an external covering, such as skin, feathers, or horns

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Can skeletal be the external body covering?

Yes! For example, some bugs (such as ants) have an exoskeleton. This is an external skeletal covering.

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What is shedding of skin in an insect called?

The process of shedding skin in insects is Ecdysis.

Does a frog has external ears?

yes, the have an external covering to protect from water infiltration

What is external covering?

An external covering is a covering that is on the outside of an object. This could be anything from skin on humans to hard coverings like those on amoebas, fur on animals like bats, and scales on reptiles.

What is an arthroderm?

An arthroderm is an external covering of an arthropod.

Do bugs have body covering?

The hard external covering of insects is made of a substance called chitin.

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