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Macrpphage is the process where Phagocytec, a form of White Blood Cell seek out and engulf or destroy invading or foreign entities, cells, infection and abnormal products within the body. Jeffrey J. Vrtis, RN BSN. ---- This process is referred to as phagocytosis. There are numerous cells in the body that utilize phagocytosis. The most commonly thought of are the macrophage, which is a part of the cellular immunity of the body. The engulfed cellular components are broken down in lysozomes to their most basic parts and destroyed.

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Q: What is the process of specialized cells engulfing and digesting neutralized antigens and debris?
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What does Macrophage act as?

Macrophages act as phagocytes (engulfing antigens) and digest them for specific defense of immune system to detect. They are non-specific, therefore, they just digest and excrete antigens.

Antigens are chemical agents that fight cell destroying free radicals?

Antigens are actually molecules that trigger an immune response in the body by activating the production of antibodies. Free radicals are unstable molecules that can cause damage to cells and are often neutralized by antioxidants, not antigens.

Are specialized white blood cells that produce antibodies coded to destroy specific antigens?

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What are specialized white blood cells that produce antibodies coded to destory specific antigens?

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What medical term specialized white blood cells that produce antibodies coded to specific antigens?

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What are specialized white blood cells that produce antibodies coded to destroy specific antigens?

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Which kind of specialized white blood cells produces antibodies coded to destroy specific antigens?

`Plasma cells

Does Type B blood have A antigens?

No, type B blood does not have A antigens. Type B blood has B antigens.

When was Tissue Antigens created?

Tissue Antigens was created in 1971.

What are antigens determining blood type carried on?

Antigens, by definition, cause the body to produce antibodies which act against them. You inherit certain antigens which are on your red blood cells. Sometimes these antigens are absent from your RBC. If you are type B, you have B antigens. Type A has A antigens, AB has AB antigens and type O has no antigens. If you are type AB, you can receive AB blood from some one else.