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Q: What is the process of working and folding the the dough until its smooth?
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Related questions

What is ''Kneading of dough''?

Kneeding bread is the process of folding a corner of bread dough into itself, turning a quarter turn, then folding again. The point is to stretch the gluten and to create a smooth surface.

What is laminated bread dough?

Doughs with fat rolled in. Products were fat is incorporated through a rolling and folding process.

Why is oil used in dough making?

If you mix the dough along with oil then the dough realy becomes soft and smooth.

How many layer of fat their in folding danish dough?

most commercial bakeries sheet the dough, layer and fold 36 layers of dough, 18 layers of fat.

What is the working capital of a bakery?

The working capital of any business is called dough. Bakers make dough (money) by making dough (bread).

What are some baking words that start with k?

knead - the motion of folding & stretching dough

What does a smooth dough look like?

Like a babies bottom...

What is the name of the process when dough rises?

Proofing and fermentation are the terms that refer to dough's rising process.

What is dough arm?

A dough arm is an attachment to a motorized tool like a "Kitchen Aid" or a beater. Its purpose is to aid you in kneading dough. It keeps you from folding and rolling out the dough on a cutting board or counter top. Some of them look like a loose spiral.

How do you make play dough really smooth?

add oil or vaseline

Does refregerating dough spoils it?

The process of refrigerating yeast dough is called "retarding" because it does not stop the rising process but slows it down.

How do you use the word pummeled in an imperative sentence?

Pummeled the dough until it's smooth.