

What is the process used to amend the U.S. constitution?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: What is the process used to amend the U.S. constitution?
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How many there are to amend constitution?

Answer(for the US Constitution) 27 (as of year 2010)

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In comparison to the United States Constitution, how difficult is it to amend State constitutions

How many Amendments are there to the US Constitution why it necessary to amend it?

there r 27 and its important to amend them so they can be remembered

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Article V of the US Constitution establishes the basic means of making amendments.

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amend the US Constitution

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statarted a campain to amend the constitution with a bill of rights

Why is it easier to amend the AZ constitution compared to the US Constitution?

the AZConstitution only deals with one state less people the the whole country. And the Us Constitution to go through congress good luck with that one.

What was the outcome of the constitution of the US?

It was initially the "Grand Convention" or "Philadelphia Convention", not the Constitutional Convention, as it had been called in 1787 ostensibly to amend the Articles of Confederation. But the result, nonetheless, was the new US Constitution.

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They wanted the Constitution to be a "living document" that could adapt to and address issues of a changing nation.

What document governs the US elections?

The US Constitution as amended provides the process for electing the President.

Which one of these words bill amend population or confederation means to change?

From the word choices bill, amend, population, or confederation, the word "amend" means to change.The man needed to amend his 2015 tax return to show a higher income.After I heard the whole story, I had to amend my previous decision.When the Legislature amends the US Constitution, they add an amendment to it.My boss tried to amend an error he made in the payroll taxes.