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You may be referring to the process of fining, which can be conducted using any of a umber of techniques, to remove particulate matter suspended in solution. If the particles fall and becomes sediment, the usual process of removal is called filtering

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Q: What is the process used to remove sediment from wine?
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What is decanting and where is it used?

Decanting is a simple process, The sediment is allowed to settle to the bottom of the container and then the liquid is carefully poured off the top. Red wine is decanted from the potassium bitartrate crystals

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Wine makers do not employ the use of egg in wine, but it is used in the making of champagne and beer as a way to rid the sediment from the final product.

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Wine decanters were invented to separate the sediment from wine in order to serve the clearer liquid. Wine is typically served in a decanter and was initially used by servants to make it easier to serve than the large containers originally used to store wine.

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Yes they are simply part of the grape that is left over. Drink the wine by slowly pouring it into your glass try not to shake it you may want to leave the last once in the bottle as it will have the highest concentrate.

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How you use decanting in everyday life?

Decanting is used when separating the sediment from wine. This is usually done by pouring a liquid from one solid to another. I hope this helps! :)