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Q: What is the processed form of data which is organised meaningful and useful?
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Data that has been processed in a manner that renders it meaningful and useful to the user is called?


1. It means data that have been processed in a form that is meaningful and useful to the user.?


What is a organized meaningful data called?

Organized meaningful data is called information. Information that is useful to one person is not necessarily useful to another person.

Data that has been processed into a meaningful form?

Actually, Processed data that conveys meaning and is useful to people is called INFORMATION, not output. Response: Maybe true, but the answer to the question given is OUTPUT!

What is data that has been organized or presented in a meaningful fashion?

data that has been organized or presented in a meaningful fashion

TRUE OR FALse Information is data that have been organized or presented in a meaningful fashion?

information is organised and made into meaningful data true or false

What is data organized in a meaningful way?

is data that has been processed and presented in an organized format

What is the similaraties between data and information in computer terms?

The term Data is derived from the word 'Datum' which means raw facts and figures whereas Information is processed data. Data is irrelevant to user whereas Information is meaningful and useful to user.

What is the different between data and information in MIS?

data is raw. It is the collection of facts, figures which in itself do not provide any useful or meaningful context. Data when processed becomes information. it is information and not the data which is useful for managers. For example, age of all personnel working in an organisation is Data, while, average age is information.

What transformation do data undergo during processing?

When data are processed, they are transformed from raw facts into meaningful information.

Is memory data that has been processed into a useful form?

Memory is not necessarily data that has been processed into a useful form. It is data that is being recalled for use. It is a record of something that has happened in the past.

What is data that has been processed in a useful form?
