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Osmosis is the movement of water from a less concentrated solution to a more concentrated solution through a partially permeable membrane. For osmosis to happen you need: * two solutions with different concentrations * a partially permeable membrane to separate them Diffusion occurs when particles spread. They move from a region where they are in high concentration to a region where they are in low concentration. Diffusion happens when the particles are free to move. This is true in gases and for particles dissolved in solutions. Particles diffuse down a concentration gradient, from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration. For more info:

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Q: What is the processes of diffusion and osmosis?
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What are the differences of the processes of osmosis and diffusion?

Osmosis is the diffusion of water.

Why are the processes of diffusion and osmosis are important?

The processes of diffusion and osmosis are important for survival because important biological processes depend on them. For example, water is transported into and out of cells through osmosis instead of active transport.

What drives the processes of diffusion and osmosis?

balance of the elements

What processes can take place in a root hair cell when oxygen is not available?

active transport and osmosis

What are Passive processes that move substances across membranes?

Diffusion ,osmosis

What two processes transport materials through the semi-permable membrane?

Considering the cell membrane itself, processes include diffusion, osmosis, facilitated diffusion (passive processes that do not require energy) and active transport (an active process that requires energy).

Which of the following processes cause substances to move across membranes and doesent require energy ATP?

diffusion or osmosis (diffusion of water)

What two processes move large packets of molecules across the cell membrane?

osmosis and diffusion

Why are Osmosis and Diffusion important processes in cellular function?

The processes of diffusion and osmosis are important for survival because important biological processes depend on them. For example, water is transported into and out of cells through osmosis instead of active transport.

What processes take material into cells?

The processes that take material into cells are osmosis and diffusion. This is usually facilitated by the selective permeable membrane of the cell.

Why are the processes of osmosis and diffusion essential for life?

Because without them, your nipples would not produce mountain dew.

How do osmosis differ from diffusion?

osmosis is diffusion through a membrane