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Q: What is the product of burning and respiration?
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How is respiration similar to burning of fuel?

In what way is respiration like burning?

A boxer has been jumping rope for an hour. His leg muscles are burning and he feels weak. Which of the following most likely explains the burning he feels in his muscles?

Lactate buildup

What are the difference between respiration and combustion?

Respiration is breathing Combustion is burning

How is respiration similar to the burning of fuel?


What substance is a product of cellular respiration and a reactant in photosynthesis?

Glucose is a product of photosynthesis and a reactant in cellular respiration.

Is ADP a product of cellular respiration?

No, ATP is a product. ADP assists in the creation of ATP in cellular respiration.

What is the different between cellular respiration and getting energy from a log by burning it?

When a log is burning, it burns energy quickly; and when cellular respiration happens, it burns energy gradually.

Why does the energy between burning and respiration differ?

Both burning and respiration require a supply of oxygen. Both burning and respiration obtain it from the air, and both burning and respiration create carbon dioxide. Whereas ordinary burning is easily recognised as a form of combustion, respiration is a form of "slow combustion". Similarly in a garden the compost heap develops heat from slow combustion; heat which you can easily detect if you put a load of grass cuttings and leaves into it and test its temperature half a day later. Faster burning (combustion) would be seen if you had a bonfire on the Fifth of November.

Differences between burning and respiration?

respiration is the break down of food substances mainly glucose in the prsence of oxygen, while burning is usually refered to combustion

How many ATP do you get after cellular respiration?

ATP is used for cellular respiration. It is not a product of cellular respiration.

What gas is needed for burning and arobic respiration?


Is a product of anaerobic respiration?

The products of aerobic respiration are water and carbon dioxide. The products of anaerobic respiration are carbon dioxide and either lactic acid or alcohol. The waste product of anaerobic respiration is lactic acid (in animals). In plants, ethanol is the waste product.