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The reaction of NaI and H2O2 can be represented as follows:-

4NaI(aq) +2H2O2(aq)---->2Na2O(s)+ 4HI(l) + O2(g)

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Q: What is the product of hydrogen peroxide mixed with sodium iodine solution?
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What happens when you mix bleach hydrogen peroxide and iodine?

Iodine crystals

Is antiseptic iodine a solution or solvent?

The liquid product is a solution. The iodine is one of the solutes within the solution.

Purple color non metal used as antiseptic in liquid form?

Hydrogen Peroxide, at a strength of 3 - 6% is one antiseptic, as is a solution of Iodine. Chlorine is commonly used to disinfect swimming pool water, and sometimes bromine is used as a substitute.

Can you mix iodine with hydrogen peroxide?

Yes, you can but if you put a cotton swab in this mixture, it will turn purple.

What product is formed when iodine is reacted with water?

It would produce a solution of iodine.

What to use instead of beta-dine?

If you are allergic to iodine you can use hydrogen peroxide, hurts less than rubbing alcohol. If those bother you then use an antibacterial soap, however hydrogen peroxide is better.

What is the common name of alcoholic solution of iodine?

Tincture of Iodine. A "tincture" is a solution made by dissolving a solid product into alcohol.

What happens when you mix hydrogen peroxide and iodine and sugar?

Hydrogen peroxide is a toxic substance that is sometimes made in our cells due to some chemical reactions. It is poisonous so cells produce an enzyme called 'Catalase' which break down hydrogen peroxide to water and oxygen. Because catalase is in our blood, if hydrogen peroxide is added to it, it breaks down: Blood + H2 O2(hydrogen peroxide) --changes to-- H2O (water) + O2 (oxygen).

How do you get iodine from iodide?

Use an Oxidizer, such as acidified Hydrogen peroxide, acidified Potassium permanganate, Sulfuric acid (concentrated), etc.

What antiseptics are used to clean the skin?

benzalkonium chloride, chlorhexidine, hexachlorophine, iodine compounds, mercury compounds, alcohol and hydrogen peroxide.

Is peroxide better than iodine on wounds?

peroxide is better

Which is more better to use for cleansing wounds povidine-iodine betadine skin cleanser or hydrogen peroxide oxigenada?

Hydrogen Peroxide. As a sufferer of Hidradenitis Supperitiva, I have been using Peroxide for 4 years now. The best part about it, is that it doesn't burn when it is wiped on an open wound. It is very safe to use.