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From the manpage of the bc(1) command:

The following is the definition of the recursive factorial function.

define f (x) {

if (x <= 1) return (1);

return (f(x-1) * x);


So you could enter that definition of f(), and then call it, for example f(10)

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bc. Example for 300! is the following command:

echo 'f=1;for (i=1;i<=300;++i) f*=i; print f,"\n"' | bc

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Q: What is the program to calculate factorial value of given number using BC command in UNIX?
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#include &lt;iostream&gt; using namespace std; int main() { int i, number=0, factorial=1; // User input must be an integer number between 1 and 10 while(number&lt;1 number&gt;10) { cout &lt;&lt; "Enter integer number (1-10) = "; cin &gt;&gt; number; } // Calculate the factorial with a FOR loop for(i=1; i&lt;=number; i++) { factorial = factorial*i; } // Output result cout &lt;&lt; "Factorial = " &lt;&lt; factorial &lt;&lt; endl;

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Write the program that display the factorial of a number?

/* gcc -ansi -Wall -Wextra -pedantic -s -static 0.c -o 0 */ #include &lt;stdio.h&gt; int main ( ) { int n , factorial = 1 ; printf ( "enter the value of n\n") ; scanf ( "%i" , &amp; n ) ; while ( n != 0 ) { factorial *= n ; n -- ; } printf ( "The factorial of n is\n%i\n" , factorial ) ; return 0; }

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since factorial is for example , the factorial of 5 = 5 (5-1)(5-2)(5-3)(5-4) that means the last number to subtract from 5 is 4 , which is (n-1) ie the factorial of any number is (n-0)(.............)(n-(n-1)) to write this , 5 REM to calculate the factorial of any number 6 DIM fac AS INTEGER LET fac = 1 10 INPUT "enter the number to find its factorial "; a ' variable a 15 FOR b = 0 TO (a-1) 'numbers that will be subtracted from the " a" 20 c= a -b 'each number in the factorial calculation 25 fac = fac * c 'to compute each multiplication in the factorial 30 NEXT b 35 PRINT 'to leave a line 40 PRINT fac 45 END note this due to some unattained raesons works for numbers 0 to 7

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int factorial(int n) { int i; int f=1; for(i=2;i&lt;=n;++i) f*=i; return f; }

What is factory or factorial?

Factorial for number N is N x N-1 x N-2 X N- (N-1). e.g. if you need to calculate factorial for 5 then compute 5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1.