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Q: What is the program to print odd number using for next loop in GE BASIC?
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RANDOMIZE TIMER rndNumber% = INT(RND * 100) + 1 winFlag% = 0 CLS PRINT "PROGRAM: Guess the number" PRINT PRINT "I'm thinking of a number between: 1-100. You've 7 guesses..." PRINT PRINT "Guess No" FOR eachGuessNo% = 1 TO 7 PRINT eachGuessNo%; "> "; INPUT "What is my number"; guessNum% IF guessNum% = rndNumber% THEN PRINT "Yes, correct guess; you WIN!" winFlag% = 1 EXIT FOR END IF NEXT IF winFlag% = 0 THEN PRINT "No, you guessed WRONG! I the computer WIN!" PRINT "My number was: "; rndNumber% PRINT PRINT "Again, Y/N"; yesNo$ DO yesNo$ = INKEY$ LOOP UNTIL yesNo$ <> "" IF UCASE$(LEFT$(yesNo$, 1)) = "Y" THEN RUN END

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This program checks whether a number is odd or even. NOTE: This site removes formatting from answers. Replace (tab) with a tab or four spaces. #!/usr/bin/python print("Type a number.") n = input(": ") l = len(n)-1 even = ("02468") if n[l] in even: (tab)print(n, "is even.") if n[l] not in even: (tab)print(n, "is odd.")

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