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The seal of confession, or the seal of confessional. Note that other professionals also have the obligation to keep secrets of people they work with, for example, physicians (doctors), and lawyers.

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Q: What is the promise called that says a priest cannot tell a confession?
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What is it called when you admit your sins to a priest?

When you admit your sins to a priest it is called a confession. Some say it is better to confess your sins to a higher power so that it is only between you and them.

What is it called when you receive Holy Communion in a state of mortal sin?

no, never. you should go to confession first. no, never. you should go to confession first.

Can you actually give a confession over the phone?

No, you cannot do that. The new phone "apps" are to assist those in making a proper confession. A face to face meeting with a priest is still required.

Does a priest go to confession?

Yes he does

Who do you need to tell your sins to in a Roman Catholic ritual of confession?

In the Roman Catholic sacrament of confession, you confess your sins to a priest.

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talking to god confession

What is the name for telling your sins to the priest in reconciliation?


How many essential part of confession?

There are three essential parts to the sacrament of confession in the Catholic Church: contrition (sincere sorrow for sin), confession (telling one's sins to a priest), and satisfaction (performing the penance prescribed by the priest).

Who gave salvation in the middle ages in Europe?

Salvation (more commonly called 'absolution') could be given by any priest after hearing confession.

What is a confessionary?

A confessionary is kind of where you go to tell the priest that you have sinned. A confessionary is basically manual or guide to making confession. it is a small structure where you go to confess your sins to a priest that is in a structure just like the one you are in and are connected by a small window but you cannot be seen by the priest only heard

Can a Maronite priest hear confession?

Any priest with Faculties granted to him by his Bishop may hear confessions. ANY priest, even without Faculties, and even a priest who has been lacizied (removed from priestly minister for some reason) may hear confession in danger of death, and should.

When can a priest break the confessional?

No a priest cannot repeat anything told him as part of a confession. But Confession and Reconciliation happen after the sin is committed, not before. So he cannot stop murder or any acts of terrorism. The Code of Canon Law states: The sacramental seal is inviolable; therefore it is absolutely forbidden for a confessor to betray in any way a penitent in words or in any manner and for any reason. Violation of the seal of confession results in immediate excommunication of the priest. Priests may discuss things in general terms. For more information, see the Code of Canon Law: