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In the Roman Catholic sacrament of confession, you confess your sins to a priest.

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You need to tell your sins to a priest in a Roman Catholic ritual of confession.

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Did the Catholics start confession to spy?

Roman Catholic AnswerJesus Christ instituted all seven sacraments, including the sacrament of confession. As Jesus is God and knows all things (by definition, He created each one of us), He certainly did not need confession to "spy" on people. Confession is there to help the individual sinner and it has been instituted by God.

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In order to become a Roman Catholic monk you need to be between the age of 20 and 40. You will need to be a Roman Catholic man to become a Catholic Monk.

How do I continue my Roman Catholic rituals if I haven't attended in years?

Roman Catholic AnswerThe first thing to do is call the local parish and schedule an appointment with the priest. You need to sit down with a priest and discuss what has happened, you also need to start with confession. I would not recommend going to Holy Communion, although you should start attending Mass right away, but don't receive Holy Communion until you have talked with the priest, and made a good Confession. If it has been "years" since your last confession, it is going to take you some time to get it together. Ask Father if he can recommend a book or something that you could go over to put your first confession together. Take your time, this is the most important thing that you have done in your life so far, you want to get it right. You are in my prayers.

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Roman Catholic AnswerYes, you need to discuss this with your priest. If you marriage that you are in is valid, you should have no problems.

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Roman Catholic AnswerThe Catholic would need to apply to his priest for an annulment, I don't know what the regulations are for the Orthodox.

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Roman Catholic AnswerFor Ash Wednesday, you need sincere repentance.

Do you have to be Catholic or Christian to be a nun?

A Roman Catholic Answer:Yes you need to be a Roman Catholic to be a Nun in the Roman Catholic Church.Nuns play a very important role in the Church. They can distribute the Holy Communion to the faithful, tell a sermon (Homily), help prepare the Holy Communion, assist the priests if they need any help.They are also allowed to run schools, hospitals, NGOs, etc.

How does the Anglican church members go to confession?

On the whole, unless an Anglican is of the Catholic tradition in the Anglican Church (ie, they are catholic to all intents and purposes except they reject the authority of the pope), then Anglicans do not go to confession. That does not mean that they do not confess their sins! At almost every Anglican service there is an act of confession and absolution, and Anglicans take sin just as seriously as Catholics. However, the vast majority of Anglicans do not see the need to confess to a priest as an intermediary, but confess directly to God, as per the early Church practices and reject entirely the Catholic tradition of 'having' to go to confession on, say, a weekly basis. Instead they confess their sins when they need to, directly to God, whether as part of a service or not.

What is the salary of a Roman Catholic priest in the United Kingdom?

It's just Catholic, not Roman Catholic. Roman is an epithet first commonly used in England after the protestant revolt to describe the Catholic Church. It is never used by the official Catholic Church. It differs from diocese to diocese, you would need to contact the diocese in which you are looking for the information in order to obtain their pay scale.

Can you receive Holy Communion if you are married to a divorced Catholic?

Roman Catholic AnswerWhether or not you can receive Holy Communion depends on a number of things, you would need to make an appointment with a priest to talk this over. The person to whom you are married will also have to talk to a priest and arrange to have their marriage submitted to the tribunal to see if it can be annulled. In the meantime, you both need to be living as brother and sister, and go to Confession, then you may receive Holy Communion.

Can a Roman Catholic get an annulment from Orthodox Catholic or other Catholic rites?

It's just Catholic, not Roman Catholic. Roman is an epithet first commonly used in England after the protestant revolt to describe the Catholic Church. It is never used by the official Catholic Church. . A Catholic is bound by his Bishop. If he is a Latin Rite Catholic, then he would need to ask his pastor to apply to his Latin Rite bishop for an annulment. If he is another Rite, then he would need to apply to his Bishop in that Rite. There are more than a few Rites in the Catholic Church, the Latin Rite is just the largest. . An Orthodox Bishop has no standing in the Catholic Church whatsoever, other than valid Orders.

How many Roman Catholic parishes are in Darlington?

First off, it's just Catholic, not Roman Catholic. Roman is an epithet first commonly used in England after the protestant revolt to describe the Catholic Church. It is never used by the official Catholic Church. . Secondly, Darlington where? There is a Darlington in South Carolina, a Darlington in England, and no doubt other Darlington's, you need to be more specific in your question.