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Q: What is the proper prop pitch for 1976 85 hp mercury?
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What is the correct prop pitch for a 7 and a half hsp Mercury 5699828 It has a 7 pitch 3 blade on it but seems to spin out?

Usually pitch is set according to horsepower AND boat size. You could try a taller prop, say a 10 pitch, but you are going to lose RPMs because to engine is cutting through more water. It's a give and take situation. If you can get the boat to a good prop shop near the water, most will let you try different props until you find the one you like.

What is the max speed for 1999 125 HP Mercury outboard motor?

The maximum speed of the 125 mercury is dependent on the boat it is on. It can only push some boats 2mph, while other boats that are light and have a small wetted surface can run 60. To find the theoretical maximum, you should find the maximum pitch prop offered for that engine. The maximum pitch prop I can find for that engine is a 24p. The gear ratio for the lower unit is 2.07:1 . If you can turn the 24p prop at the maximum recommended rpm 5250, the fastest the boat could possibly run is 57.1 mph. The propeller is not 100% efficient, so you should factor in the slip of the propeller. With the inefficiency (slip) factored in, the boat would be more likely to run 55mph. If you can find a higher pitch prop for that engine, you can get it to run faster speeds. A 27p prop would run about 60mph.

What is the proper name for prop in drama?

It stands for Theatrical Property.

Where is the impeller on a 2.2hp mercury outboard?

right behind the prop, on the same shaft

What do the numbers on an RC plane prop mean?

What do the numbers mean? The first number is the prop diameter. The second number is the prop pitch. This is the theoretical distance that the prop would move forward if rotated one revolution. If you were to mount your prop on a shaft and submerse it in jello, you could see this in action... A 10x6 prop is 10" in diameter, and in theory, the prop will move forward 6" in one revolution. The pitch can be thought of similar to the transmission in your car. A low pitch (like on a 10x4) is like low gear on your car--lower speed, but more power. A high pitch is more like a high gear--higher speed, but it takes longer to get to top speed, and you may lose power on the verticals.

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How much horsepower does a 4.0 Mercury boat motor have?

A 4 hp Mercury outboard, produces a true 4 hp, rated at the prop.

Evinrude 25 horsepower outboard prop slips while under a load. Or could it be cavitation?

Sometimes the center of the prop breaks loose and slips or the splines get stripped. Also check to make sure you have the correct pitch prop for that motor and it is fastened securely.

How can you make your 50HP Tohatsu outboard go faster?

change the prop pitch nah done that. its to do with the engine.

Is bed a proper or common noun?

A common noun.

What is the instrument that indicates engine power for an aircraft with a fixed-pitch propeller?

That would be the RPM gauge. On an aircraft with variable pitch prop it would be the manifold pressure gauge.

Bayliner 1750 capri with 135 mercruiser which i use it for water skiing what is the best type of prop to run for punch out of the water with out loosing to much speed?

Best prop type is prop with ventilation holes and the pitch should be as low as possible. Some people likes four blade props for water skiing.