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There are at least two correct ways to formally address two married doctors: 1. The Doctors Michael and Mary Smith (preferred); 2. Dr. Michael and Dr. Mary Smith (feminist).

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Q: What is the proper salutation in a letter addressed to married doctors?
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What is proper salutation for wife being a doctor?

A letter would be addressed to Mr. and Doctor. If they are both Doctors it would be Doctor and Doctor.

Salutation in a letter?

Salutation in a letter is the initial greeting to your reader and should be addressed accordingly. Depending on who the letter is being addressed to, a salutation can began with Dear, Dear Sir or Madam, To Whom It May Concern, or Hello.

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If the primary reader of a letter is the female and the secondary is the male and they are married how should the salutation be addressed?

Traditionally, Mr and Mrs (insert last name). She took his name in marriage.

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A salutation is an addressing to the person that the letter is addressed to and in a business letter you should always start with "Dear" and then add something like "Sir" or "Madam" immediately after it.

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The proper salutation for a retired General is "General (Retired)" or "General Smith (Retired)" when addressing them formally.

What is the proper salutation in a letter to a Doctor?

There are at least two correct ways to formally address two married doctors: 1. The Doctors Michael and Mary Smith (preferred); 2. Dr. Michael and Dr. Mary Smith (feminist).

Salutation when both husband and wife are doctors?

The salutation used for the envelope address can be either Dr. John Smith and Dr. Jane Smith, or Drs. John and Jane Smith. If you are writing a letter to both doctors, then he greeting in your letter can be Dear Drs. Smith.

Salutation for Mr Smith and Mr Smith?

The salutation of a letter addressed to two men named Smith is:Dear Messrs. Smith,The plural of Mr. is Messrs. from the abbreviation of French messieurs (which is the plural of monsieur).

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what is the antonym of salutation

What is the proper salutation on a letter to a senator?

The envelope would be addressed as: The Honorable John Smith United States Senate Washington D. C. 20515 In letter: Dear Senator, or Dear Senator Smith