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This could be done in several ways. I believe the current best practice would be The Reverend and Mr. Smith.

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Q: What is the proper salutation when it is a husband and wife and the wife only is a pastor?
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What is the proper salutation when it is a husband and wife and the wife only is a doctor?

Dr. and Mr. Smith

What is the proper way to address a letter to a husband and wife when the husband is a Pastor and also is the third not Jr?

If the Pastor who is the third and not a Junior is the only Pastor then you address him and his wife: Pastor & Mrs. John Doe. If all three were Pastors then you would address the letter as: Pastor John Doe,III & Mrs. John Doe.

Is pastor capitalized?

Depends. When used as a proper noun (e.g., as a title), it is. For example, "The shady man known as Pastor Bob secretly worshipped Satan after church services". "Pastor" is part of a proper noun, since it is used as a title. When used as a common noun, it isn't. For example, "At the church on the corner, there was a pastor known for worshipping Satan and giving out crack to children". It's not part of a proper noun in that instance, and would not be capitalize.

What is the Proper punctuation for salutation sir or madam in a formal letter?

Formal salutations are always followed by a colon. (Dear Sir Only in informatal writing do you use a comma. (Dear Sue,)

When you type a pastor's name do you put a comma behind the word pastor?


Can a Church donate money and labor to build a house that will belong to the Pastor?

This may be considered a misuse of funds and, depending on the circumstances, could be illegal if the house would actually belong to the pastor. However, if the house remains the property of the church and the pastor would only occupy the house at the discretion of the church, it could be acceptable. That would then depend on whether proper procedures and authorities were followed in allocating those funds.

Should you use Junior or Senior in the salutation of a letter?

Using junior or senior in a salutation letter should only be done if these two words are a part of your name and you use it daily. The same rule goes for who the letter is for.

How many years should a pastor have to have his own church?

In most mainstream denominations the congregation "owns" the church not the pastor. Some churches are created by one person who would "own" it, but in most cases the church is not owned by the pastor. I would be weary of a church where the pastor owns it. The when the denomination or congregation owns the church it provides checks and balances to avoid corruption and megalomania by a pastor or sole person running the church. If a person is a secondary worship leader and desires to be a senior pastor, then since most churches seeking a pastor have a "pulpit committee" that would help vet the candidates you would need to seek out churches that need a pastor and talk to the committee that is charges with finding the pastor. Each church has it's own set of requirements. My husband got out of seminary and got a church right away as a senior pastor and we have been at this one and only church for 22 years. Every congregation is unique and you will just have to contact each one like any other job you seek to have with resumes, recommendations etc.

Is it okay to date a married pastor?

Considering that this question is posted in "Cheating" you probably already know the answer.Just because someone is a pastor does not change the fact that he or she is married.Ask this: Would the pastor's spouse think it is OK? Please, please say this is a joke question. It is morally wrong to cheat with anyone, period. But with a pastor? You are not only helping betray the pastor's spouse, but the pastor's congregation as well.

Should you address a letter in capitals?

The proper nouns in the address are capitalized. Example: Unit 25A Tower B Kingswood Condominium, Vito Cruz Extension, Makati City, Philippines

What do you called yourself when you cheat on your spouse?

ANSWER:People have can give us different names, some will be harsh, and some will be proper, but the only name you can give a person who betrayed her husband is "adulteress."

Where is Riva Tims?

Pastor Riva Tims is a sincere, true woman of God with her heart after God. Someone on this site wrote that Pastor Riva is "pulling a Paula White." What is that suppose to mean? Pastor Riva is continuing the ministry in which God has called her to. She ministered on T.V. and at the church in the same capacity. Pastor Riva has to answer to God for what she has been called to do. She can't stop because her husband decided to go in a different direction. To the person who asked that question..."When you stand before the Living God..the ONLY True and Living will you answer for what you are doing on this earth with the life God has given YOU?" It is absolutely right husband and wives are one, but each one have to die for themselves and answer the to God alone! It does become an individual things. Pastor Riva just from watching her on tv seem to be a very smart person, a loving person, a kindhearted person, not conceited, she think of other then she does herself! I believe Pastor Riva believes in her marriage until death does us part. My questions to a lot of us when a man goes to other way seeking other ground and no longer has that love what will you do? The only problem I got with Dr. Tims and Pastor Riva is that they are both so young and very. very good-looking. Are they not suppose to remarriage while the both are still living? My prayers is definitely for the both of them, because I believe with all of my heart Dr. Z Tims made a Hugh, Hugh mistakes and loves his wife and children! I believe Pastor Riva loves her husband, but she can not give up her christian way of life for her husband! She has to be true to herself as well as true to God who will see them both through!