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Drs. Smith & Jones for example

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Q: What is the proper way to address two professors who are married and have different names?
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Is it proper to call a widow Mrs Mary Smith?

Yes, it is proper to address a widow by her last married name.

What is the proper form of address on an envelope for two married Ph.Ds?

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The correct way to address a gift is "Mr. & Mrs. James Smith". The couple is already married so it is proper to address it this way.

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* Senor & Senora ____________________. Senorita is single, Senora is married.

How to address a letter to a married couple with Jr suffix?

The proper way to address a letter to a married couple with a suffix at the end of the name is to adopt the traditional rule of keeping the man's first and last name together. Mary and John Smith This is the proper way to address a married couple when using this format. So it follows that: Mary and John Smith Jr. Mary and John Smith III Mary and John Smith, Esq. would also be the proper outline.

What is the proper way to address married chefs?

Just as " Chef " is appropiate for either sex, regardless of marital status.

Can you get married in a different state from the one you live in?

Yes as long as you have the proper paperwork done.

How do you address a female boss in writing?

The proper way to address a female boss in writing is to use Dear Miss and then the name. If she is married then use Ms. or Mrs. instead.

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you can do it either way but when i got married i did it the Mrs. Michael Smith way.

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If you are addressing a married couple who are both doctors you can address them two ways. You can address them by either stating Drs. Jack and Jill Smith or Dr. Jack Smith and Dr. Jill Smith.

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What is the correct way to address invitations to a married couple?

Proper old wold style is to say: Mr. and Mrs. (man's first name)(married last name) new acccepted standard is: Mr. and Mrs. (married last name)