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The name of the fraction of light reflected off a celestial object is its albedo. The moon has an albedo of around 0.12 which is to say about 12% of the light that falls on it gets reflected (some sources say as low as 7%) - meaning it's pretty dark. Enceladus, a moon of Saturn, has an albedo of about 0.99.

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Q: What is the proportion of light reflected from a planet?
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What is the proportion of light reflected by a planet?

The proportion varies with the density of the planet's atmosphere

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What is the proportion of light reflected by a planet called?


What is the percentage of light reflected by a planet?

Albedo is the measurement of how strongly light is reflected off an object.

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That's the proportion of the incident light or radiation that is reflected by the Earth.

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no light is not emitted by any planet but light ,reflected by many planets comes to the earth

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Detection of reflected light by the planet

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It's by analzying the spectrum of light reflected off the planet, through a method called spectroscopy. Different elements absorb light energy at different wavelengths, and re-emit light at specific, well-characterized wavelengths. By analyzing the light reflected off a planet, scientists can work out the most abundant elements in its atmosphere.

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Whenever light hits a water surface, some of the light is reflected off, and some of it is refracted, or "bent", deeper into the water. The proportion that is reflected and refracted depends on the wavelength of the light and the angle of incidence. When light goes straight down into the water, most of it penetrates the surface and goes into the water. When the light impacts at an angle, more of the light is reflected away.

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- light reflected from a window- light reflected from a mirror- light reflected from snow

How can you tell a planet from a star in the night sky?

Since a planet's light is reflected it appears to be steady (non twinkling). Star light twinkles.

Why planets don't produce lightbut we can see them?

we see the Sun's light reflected off the planet's surface.