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Q: What is the protein found in horns?
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What is the protein found in human hair and fingernails?

Keratin is the structural protein for hair and nails (also horns in animals).

What molecules are in human hair?

proteins Human hair is made of a protein called Keratin. This protein is found widely in nature. It makes finger and toe nails, also hooves, horns and claws.

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What protein are fingernails composed of?

Fingernails and hair (and claws, hooves and horns on animals) is composed of a protein called "Keratin".

What is horn made out of?

It depends on what horns are you talking about. Rino horns are made of hair and elephants have tusks not horns. I hope this answered your question.All horn is made mainly of keratin, the same protein that is found in hair and fingernails. Tusks are made of dentine, the same material that teeth are made of. Tusks are elongated, continuouslygrowing front teeth.

Alpha keratin is a protein present in?

Alpha keratin is a protein present in hair,wool,nails, horns,hooves of mammals

What are rhinoceroes horns made of?

The horns of rhinoceros are made of keratin. This is a form of protein similar to that which forms the hair and finger nails. Most specie have two horns while others have one.

What are the properties of fingernails?

Fingernails (and hair and horns) are made of keratin, a tough insoluble protein.

What macromolecules is the horn of a rhinoceros made of?

It was common belief that rhinoceros horns were made of compressed hair, but that has been dispelled. Rhino horn is mostly keratin, and the core of it is made from dense mineral deposits of calcium and melanin.

What are rhino horns made of?

A rhinos horn is made from hair. More specifically the protein keratin.

Did tyrannous rex have horns?

No. Scientists have found fossils that have proven that tyrannousorus rexes did not have horns. this is because there were no holes in the skull for them.

What substance are dogs nails made?

It is called keratin, and it's the same protein that hair, and horns are made out of.