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Q: What is the protocol that is used to discover a physical address from a known logical address and what message type does it use?
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Is ARP the core protocol responsible for logical addressing?

The structure of the question is meant to trick you because 'logical addressing' is being used loosely. Technically, IP is the CORE protocol responsible for logical addressing. ARP is the network layer protocol that is used to discover the identity(physical address) of a machine whose IP address you know. Very briefly, it does this by creating a database that maps the MAC address to the (hosts') logical address provided.

Which protocol is used to convert logical IP addresses to physical MAC addresses?

Address Resolution Protocol (ARP)ARP is primarily used to translate IP Addresses to Ethernet MAC Addresses.

Network layer protocol that obtains the MAC physical address of a host or node and then creates a database that maps the MAC address to the hosts IP logical address?


Is ip address is a physical address?

No an IP address is considered a logical address. Physical address refers to a MAC address which is burned into ROM on each Ethernet network interface card or NIC. In theory every NIC card has a unique physical address which denotes its manufacture and its own unique address. The logical address or IP internet protocol address is used for layer 3 routing between networks and subnets.

IP address is also known as logical address?

Yes. IP address/Internet Protocol address/Logical address all means the same. It is a numerical identification assigned to devices that participates in a computer network, using Internet protocol for communication between its nodes.

Which address is more important the physical address or the logical address?

In the 8086/8088 the physical address and logical address have the same importance, because they both relate to the address of the operand. It is true that the offset (logical) address is added to the segment address to determine the physical address, but the limitations of the architecture of the processor forces programmers to consider both.If you are talking about a virtual environment, however, such as in the 80286 or higher, then the logical address is more important than the physical address, because the logical address is the address of the operand, while the physical address is (somewhat) arbitrarily assigned by the operating system.

Each Logical Address is dependent of what?

A Physical Address...

Can physical address and virtual address be same?

your question is wrong. it should be "can physical address and logical address be same" answer is no because logical address is the combination of page number and offset whereas physical address is the combination of physical page[frame] and offset

What is the difference between virtual logical and physical address spaces?

The concept of a logical address space is simply involved the process of mapping the Logical addresses to their Physical Addresses . Logical addresses are generated by the CPU; also referred to as virtual addresses.while Physical Address is the actual address of the data stored on the physical device and mapped by MMU.

What is logical address in computer networks?

logical address is called as global address and physical address is called as local address .the ip address,which is used by the user in the network is found to be global for use and it is easily identified in any network .physical address is mac address ,which is stored in the nic card,which is mainly used ,when the system is connected in the network using switch

How does the Address resolution protocol stack map the logical IP address to the physical MAC address on a LAN?

The Mapping is done in the ARP table. C:\Documents and Settings\martin>arp -a Interface: --- 0x6 Internet Address Physical Address Type 00-22-b0-8e-94-41 dynamic

Why you need memory physical address and memory logical address?

Physical Address refers to Storage location on Physical Memory wheres Logical Addressing is used by Memory Managing Programs to refers addresses from Physical Memory and Virtual Memory.