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I am pretty sure it is Cognitive development theory, but I'm not positive.

(Will probably update this within the next couple of days once I find out the true answer)

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3d ago

The theory you are referring to is likely Erikson's theory of psychosocial development, which posits that individuals go through eight stages of development, with each stage presenting a crisis or conflict that must be resolved. Erikson believed that successful resolution of these conflicts shapes a person's psychological and emotional growth.

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Q: What is the psychological theory that states that a child shapes his or her development?
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What is the educational effect of Sigmund's frued theory?

Sigmund Freud's psychoanalytic theory has had a significant impact on the field of psychology and education. It introduced the concept of the unconscious mind and the influence of early childhood experiences on development, which has influenced how educators understand student behavior and learning. Freud's theory also emphasizes the importance of addressing emotional and psychological issues in education to promote holistic development.

Which of those theories best explains the rise of democratic states?

The pluralist theory of democracy suggests that diverse groups in society compete for power and influence, leading to democratic governance where decision-making is decentralized. This theory aligns with the development of democratic states as they promote participation and representation of various interests.

What was lev vygotsky theory?

Lev Vygotsky's sociocultural theory focuses on how social interactions and cultural factors influence cognitive development. He emphasized the importance of social interactions, language, and culture in shaping an individual's thought processes and learning abilities. Vygotsky proposed that learning occurs through collaboration with others and that development precedes learning.

What is development theory?

Development theory is a body of social science theories that aim to explain how and why societies progress and change over time. These theories often focus on economic, social, and political factors that influence development outcomes in different countries or regions. Development theory helps to understand the complexities of development processes, such as poverty reduction, social equality, and sustainable growth.

What are the theories of rural development?

Some key theories of rural development include the agricultural development theory, the livelihoods approach, and the human capital theory. These theories highlight different aspects such as the role of agriculture, sustainable livelihoods, and human resources in promoting rural development.

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What has the author Gertrude Fass written?

Gertrude Fass is known for her work in the field of psychoanalysis and child development. She has written several influential books on parenting, child development, and psychoanalytic theory, focusing on the emotional and psychological development of children.