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Q: What is the punishment for damaging the public property?
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How can you protect your public property?

We should not indulge in activities that have damaging effects on public property should also make others realize about the need of protecting public property. It is the duty of every citizen to protect public property. We should be penalised if we damage property or cause harm to monuments of historic interest.

Is it illegal to put stickers on public signs?

Yes, it is usually illegal to put stickers on public signs as it can be considered vandalism or defacement of public property. Violators can face fines or other legal consequences for damaging public property without authorization.

What is the punishment for vandalism in India?

Vandalism is punishable under section 3 & 4 of "Prevention of Damage to Public Property Act, 1984".

What are the contemporary forms of punishment?

Death, torture, mutilation, branding, public humiliation, fines forfeits of property, bunishment, imprisonment and transportation.

How can you preserve public property of India?

To preserve public property in India, it is important to raise awareness among citizens about the importance of respecting and taking care of public spaces. Implementing strict laws and penalties for damaging public property can act as a deterrent. Regular maintenance and monitoring of public property by relevant authorities can also help preserve it for future generations.

What is public property and its conservation?

Public property is a property which is owned by people collectively.

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What is the opposite of private property?

The opposite of private property is public property, which is owned collectively or by the government for the use and benefit of the general public.

When a property becomes a public property?

when it is for general public use

Can you give or tell some slogans on public property?

You work, you earn you pay tax, tax create public property damage public property, damage your own income.

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