

What is the punishment for hazing a student in school?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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Q: What is the punishment for hazing a student in school?
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Who is the most victim of hazing?

A student , mostly is a collage student.

How can you stop hazing as a student?

Try being freinds with everbody. Hazing can be humiliating as well as dangerous.

In Salute Your Shorts what was the punishment or form of hazing they used called?

Awful Waffle

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In "The Giver," the punishment for arriving to school late was public chastisement in front of the class by the Teacher. The student was also given a warning which would be recorded in their permanent record.

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I couldn't decide what to wear to school. The teacher said he would decide later on the student's punishment.

What are some punishments for hazing?

Since the act of "hazing" can, and usually does, take many forms (i.e.: physical duress, mental duress, physical assault, etc.) there is no way to codify all possible permutations of an event described as "hazing." However - the specific act used during a hazing process CAN be considered a criminal offense, (e.g.: assault, etc). and it is those, more specific, offenses with which the perpetrator's of the hazing can be charged. Individual offenses may each have its own statute-specified punishment.

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hazing ? pak u !!

When was The Hazing created?

The Hazing was created in 1942-10.

How do you use hazing in a sentence?

Hazing has been outlawed in most states. The hazing incident left him battered and bruised.

How do you use punisment and a sentence?

Punishment is used as a consequence for undesirable behavior to discourage it from happening again. For example, a teacher might give a student detention for talking in class without permission.

When was School Food Punishment created?

School Food Punishment was created in 2004.

In most states is hazing considered to be a misdemeanor?

In some states, hazing is a misdemeanor. In others, such as California, if hazing is severe enough, it can be charged as a felony.