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Go to your GP/a psychiatrist and ask them. They'll know.

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Q: What is the purple syrup that makes you throw up?
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Can people throw up purple?

Yes, if you ate something purple and you are sick or what you eat makes you sick.

What is ipec syrup?

It is a medicinal drug that makes your body evoke vomit (forces your body to have the urge to throw up). I heard there was some recall on it, but don't take my words for it.

How do you get codeine syrup for purple drank under age without a prescription in Canada?

It is not possible to get codeine syrup to make Purple Drank if you are underage anywhere, including Canada. Codeine syrup is sold by prescription only and a person over age 18 must pick it up at a pharmacy.

What to do with your local red and purple squirrels?

Bag them up and throw them outside! who cares if they die?

What kind of oil do you drink that makes you throw up?

You don't drink oil! There is Syrup of Ipecac, use 1 Tablespoon. It is derived from the dried rhizome and roots of the ipecacuanha. only use the Syrup not anything labeled tincture or extract. They are too strong and may cause intestinal problems.

What is it callled when autistic child makes himself throw up?

There is no specific term for when an Autistic child makes himself throw up.This is exactly the same as when an allistic child forced himself to throw up.

Your doctor prescribed a medication if you drink while taking it you will throw up does anyone know what it is called?

Syrup of Ipecac

What is a person who makes their self throw up?


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Which type of microbe usually makes you throw up?


Why does semen makes you trow up?

do you mean throw up it doesn't it tastes good

How do you be on i Carly?

my dog craps on the flo0r and i half to pick it up it makes my almost throW up