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Window cling film is great you can use it to add a decorative touch to any room, to tint your windows, or to use it for privacy reasons. The best thing about some of the window clings is you can use it for energy savings while giving you the privacy that you need.

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Q: What is the purpose of a window cling film?
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Related questions

Where can I get a window cling film?

Window cling film are available at most hardware stores like Home Depot, Walmart or Lowe's. There's also customizable window cling film available from

What kind of window cling film options are available?

Window cling film is available in a variety of locations online and in-store. Major chain stores such as The Home Depot and Lowes carry an assortment of window cling films. Heat control, black privacy and decorative films are available. The decorative films can also include hest control and come in a wide assortment of designs and colors.

Can you use cling film in an oven?

You cannot use cling film in an oven. This is due to the fact that it will melt and contaminate the food.

Is cling film a good conductor?


Can you microwave cling film?


Do you wrap a cooked potato in foil or cling film?

foil because then it will keep it warm and cling film will make it wet because of the condensation.

Is cling film the same as cellophane?


What is the purpose of applying window film in a home?

The purpose of applying window film in a home is to reduce solar heat gain so that the interior of the house stays cooler during the summer seasons. This would help reduce utility bills related to cooling down a home.

Is clingfilm transparent?

Yes, cling film is a transparent material.

Is cling film an opaque or transparent or translucent?

It is opaque

How does cling film work?

Sans any research, I believe the "cling property" has to do with electron attraction to a positive (+) charge from the food wrapped.

How does one remove a window cling without leaving marks on the glass?

For a static window cling you just pull it off the glass and it leaves no marks. You can then just place it back in the paper to save for use another time.