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Q: What is the purpose of agreeing a brief for a meeting?
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What are the reasons for agreeing the purpose content layout style quality standards and the deadlines for the design and production of the documents?

4.2 describe ways of checking finished documents for accuracy and correctness, and the purpose of doing so

What is the difference between objective and purpose?

What is the difference between objective and purpose When planning a meeting, Purpose and Objective(s) are two different things, though they are often confused. I like the following acronym when planning a meeting: "POAD." That's "Purpose," "Objective(s)," "Activities," and "Deliverables." If you come out of a meeting without any one of these four parts, your meeting was unsuccessful.1) Purpose: Why are we in this room? Nobody wants to waste time in a meeting just to be in a meeting. You should have a clear purpose as to why everyone is here. "We're meeting to hold a workshop on the state of your widget." There should be only one purpose to any meeting, otherwise you create confusion. The exception to this is if you have two, VERY CLEAR purposes, but even then, I shy away from that.2) Objective(s): Fine, so we're all in a room to talk about my widget. Now what? Tell me more. Well, the objectives of this meeting may be to get stakeholder buy-in, feedback on requirements, approve an organizational chart, or sign off on the lessons learned. Notice how all of these are actions, "sign off," "approve"... your objective is to create a change by holding this meeting. If nothing changes, if you have no objective, then you'er wasting time and money. Objectives should be a bullet list, not a paragraph.3) Activities: This one should be easy. What are we doing to create this change? We're discussing the project plan, or we're negotiating the requirements. This should also be a bullet list. Tell me what we're doing, but keep it short and sweet.4) Deliverables: This is arguably one of the most forgotten items out of any meeting. We've all discussed the requirements, right? Great! And we came to an agreement? Fantastic! So.... what now? Deliverables are the concrete outputs of a meeting, and should encompass both "Next Steps," and "Action Items." If you've had a Purpose, Objective, and Activities, but no Deliverables from a meeting, then nothing has really been changed and there is no accountability or follow up. You may as well have not had a meeting at all. Deliverables do NOT include "All Other Business," which may come about in conversation during the meeting.That's your POAD, and that's the difference between a Purpose and an Objective. It's subtle, but important.

What are the meanings of the brief in business communication?

what is a brief in business communication

What is the difference between conformance and compliance?

Without knowing what the terms are relating to, it is difficult to be completely specific in regards to the difference between conformance and compliance. Conformance is agreeing or going along with a crowd where compliance is agreeing to a specific standard.

What are the purposes of the documents used in a meeting?

The documents used in a meeting are to provide written information to the attendees of the meeting.

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