

What is the purpose of bone joint?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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The purpose is so that your body can bend

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Q: What is the purpose of bone joint?
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A dislocation happens when a bone is forced out of its joint.

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The three functional articulations are synarthrosis which is an immovable join and example would be a suture, amphiarthrosis a slightly immovable joint an example is the symphysis, and last the diarthrosis a freely movable joint such as the elbow or knee joint.

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The articular cartilage are spongy cushions that absorb compression placed on the joint and keep the bone ends from being crushed. When the 2 bones rub against each other, they'll be rubbing on the cartilage not on the bone. If the bones really rub against each other, then you will have joint problems like osteoarthritis (swollen joint, pain).