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Q: What is the purpose of chemical digestion what is responsible for the rate of chemical digestion?
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Chemical digestion would not be possible without that speed up the rate of chemical reations in your body?


1 Chemical digestion would not be possible without that speed up the rate of chemical reactions in your body?


What determined metabolic rate?

Hormones and the amount of E. Coli in the intestines, which help regulate the digestion process, are some of the things responsible for the metabolic rate.

What are the effects of increasing temperature on the rate of digestion?

As temperature increases the rate of digestion by enzymes increases but after 50 C digestion stops

How might the chewing of food be related to the rate of chemical reaction digestion that occurs in your body?

Chemical reaction rate is increased by: -increased surface area -increased temperature -increased concentration of reactants -presence of a catalyst Chewing food essentially breaks up large chunks of food into smaller bits, increased total surface area for digestion.

What would have the least effect on the rate of protein digestion?

Decreasing the amount of light would have the least effect on the rate of protein digestion.

Is it true that the mechanical breakdown of food exposes a larger surface area for chemical digestion?

Yes, it is true. The reaction rate depends also on the surface area of the reactants.

What specific proteins are responsible for speeding up the rate of chemical reactions?

"Catalysts", in general chemical terms, but in living organisms they are usually called "enzymes".

Could chemical digestion take place if mechanical digestion did not occur?

Mechanical digestion, i.e. your body breaking up the food into smaller pieces, is largely meant to speed chemical digestion up. We know that the rate at which the chemical reaction takes place is dependent on four things: the physical state of the reactants involved in the reaction, the temperature at which the reaction takes place, the concentration of the reactants, and the presence of a catalyst. Each influences the rate of reaction in different ways. Mechanical digestion breaks the food into smaller pieces, i.e. changes the physical state. With the larger pieces broken into smaller ones, more surface area is exposed. With greater surface area exposure, chemical digestion can take place much more rapidly. However, if for some reason you could get just huge chunks of food down your throat without chewing it, your stomach still churns (mechanical digestion) and the contractions in your intestines also help to break up food. So technically yes, chemical digestion would take place, but at a much slower and inefficient manner.

What is the rate of chemical reaction is?

The rate of chemical reactions is how long a chemical reaction takes to finish.

What are enzymes..?

Enzymes are a type of protein that significantly speed up the rate of chemical reactions within cells. They are vital for life and serve a wide range of important functions in the body, such as aiding in digestion and metabolism. Enzyme is also a catalyst that regulates the rate at which chemical reactions proceed in living organisms without itself being altered in the process.

Does the cerebellum controls the heart rate?

No. The medulla controls heart rate, along with breathing and digestion.