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Cross pollination brings genetic diversity to plants. This tends to make them stronger and healthier overall, with fewer problems being caused by a limited gene pool.

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Q: What is the purpose of cross polination?
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What is the difference between cross polination and self polination?

Some plants have both male and female reproductive organs. If the plants pollen is used to pollinate itself, it is known as self pollination. If the pollen is taken by a bee for example to another plant, it is known as a cross pollination.

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Cross pollination only occurs between members of the same species. Therefore cross pollination can occur between pumpkins, squash and gourds, but not with cucumbers and pumpkins. It is a myth that cucumbers will make your pumpkins taste "off." Usually a change in flavor is due to soil or water conditions.

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polination. A seed can't germinate if it has not been polinated

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The purpose of cross-pollination and self-pollination are to perform reproduction so off spring can be produced.

What wildlife uses the dandelion and how is it used?

a bee uses the plant for polination and of course to make honey

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When was Cross Purposes created?

Cross Purposes was created on 1994-01-31.