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Q: What is the purpose of focus points in English?
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What is the purpose of Focus points?

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How do you focus points in Eragon for gba?

It all depends on your own opinion, but the easiest for me is to focus on your magic and sword focus points for eragon, magic for brom, and put half of Arya's focus points into her magic.

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many towns in Ireland are located at bridge points on rivers. this is because bridge points become a route focus. ( crossing points in other words)

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The Islamic Tasawaf is a branch if Islamic knowledge. They focus on spiritual development of Muslim. Tasawaf is commonly referred to as Sufism in English.

How tu make precis?

It rather depends on the content and purpose, but my approach would be to list the salient features just as words or phrases; omit the secondary points or list them separately, then link the list in clear, concise English. So to precis that long sentence: my approach.....> I would salient features... > main points words or phrases secondary points - list below link good English /// Secondary points: purpose So then we could write: I list then link concisely, the main and secondary points. Taken futher: Write a precis from a list of points.

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The foci (plural of focus, pronounced foh-sigh) are the two points that define a hyperbola: the figure is defined as the set of all points that is a fixed difference of distances from the two points, or foci.

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The Xbox LIVE Points don't serve a very large purpose. Their main purpose is for the person who has the most points to be able to have bragging rights, and for them to get certain privileges.

What is the purpose focus point?

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What you should focus on during a lecture?

During a lecture you should focus on the main points and any information you need to understand the main points. You should also think about questions you might have about the main points.

What can help focus the purpose of an investigation?

forming a conclusion

English for general purpose and English for specific purpose?

EGP is a matter of English for No Obvious Purpose?

Its helpful to know your purpose before you read something because a purpose can what?

guide and focus your reading.