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Q: What is the purpose of heel elevators?
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What is the purpose of elevation?

Elevators move things between floors of buildings.

What is the purpose of 2 doors in elevators?

Speed in opening. Note: It StarTrek, the moving doors took three people to operate.

How is elevators related to math?

elevators are related to math because elevators have numbers on them

Fox Elevators?

Elevators Company in Ahmedabad

How many elevators are in Italy?

There are 6,000 elevators in Italy

How many elevators are in Chicago?

10000 elevators in Chicago

How many elevators does buckingham palace have?

they have 2 elevators

How many levels in Burj Khalifa?

57 elevators and 8 escalators

Can children use elevators?

Yes, children can use elevators.

What metal are elevators made out of?

There are quite a few metals that elevators are made out of. These elevators could be made out of stainless steel for example.

How many elevators in San Francisco?

According to "The New Yorker," there are 58,000 elevators in New York City.

How many elevators are in the taipei 101?

there are 3,000,000 elevators in taipei 101